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They dont have to be dumptrucks, but those are allowed too
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4/4 great ass to hams.
no adding black women. we all know that wins the thread.
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What's the source?
Elvira Mistress of the Dark
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>Ass thread
>No black women
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sauce please
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Not much juice there buddy
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a lot of juicy jav videos here
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Thank you
>aight imma lay down
>actually no
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absolutely would
Source? Please my life depends on it
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theemisskittykay / 777kittykay / kitty kay
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These are not fat juicy asses
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Lola Naymark
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These are threadwinners. Now, the reason Juicy whites dont compare to black counterparts is the set of legs that come with. These juicy asses have brilliant calves. LOVE.
for the love of god, SOURCE?
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>Now, the reason Juicy whites dont compare to black counterparts is the set of legs that come with
The fuck are you talking about?
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That's outstanding, more?
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Love short girls with big round bottoms
Its a morph, look at the tiles.

yeah, because most nigger ass looks like cotton candy on sticks... meaning shit legs you knob.
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big fuckin butts god damn yes
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Big wide southern belle peach, and yes she loves anal
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Who is this?
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Fake plastic asses don't count
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how about these weapons
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Slut will let u take turns on her seen her take 3 dicks at a party
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Damn she’s yummy
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