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A thread to celebrate women of exceptional height. A timeless, aristocratic elegance not afforded to short, petite, little, stubby females.

Preferably over 6'0, alone or in group, height comparison permitted, clothed or naked, full body or could be face in case the woman is famous, candid or not, references in media (TV, film, historical), videos too! Please no edits or morphs, only real pictures. No men. Mention height if possible.

Feel free to tell real stories.

To search for pics/videos you can use tumbex.com (tumblr mirror), old.reddit.com (old reddit interface), picuki.com (instagram mirror), urlebird.com (tiktok mirror), deviantart, pinterest.
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would marry
6'9 and 6'3
Petites are good for sex and fucking, tall women are for marriage

If I need to chose a woman for a blowjob I chose a petite, a woman for a companion I chose a tall one. If I get offered a single night of wild sex I chose a petite since I know I can pleasure her more, someone to get child with I chose a tall one to get high quality genetics and intelligence.
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I've dated both ends of the spectrum: my short GF was easy to cuddle and spoon with, and great for 69ing.
My tall GF was super thicc had long meaty legs that she used to wrap around me.
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What are the best tall girl pornog sites? My problem is that I just want to see tall girls banged by dudes who are clearly shorter than them, and 95% of the time, amazon genre pornog is weird lift and carry, face sitting, or femdom shit that doesn't involve actual fucking.
I can't get it up with short women, and never acknowledge my preference in public... last time I did so my friends teased me because they thought I wanted to be crushed, which is totally not the case.
I would climb that mountain, and slowly.
So you mean 95% of the time is good? What's the problem?
I want to fantasize about being balls deep in 6'2" D1 volleyball pussy, not being let out of my chastity device for cum eating instruction by Mistress Goddess Domina ShittyNosePiercing.
This woman is super tall, she's at least 6'5".
former classmate. She is about 6-6'1''
My first fuck was a somewhat chunky/saggy 6 foot MILF. She loved having me cum inside her while draping my face with her perfectly shaped and proportioned size 12s. She also pulled me tight into her cleavage when she hugged me and stroked my hair. Unfortunately, she ghosted me around Covid. Best sex I've ever had and I've been chasing that dragon ever since. I fuckin miss her so much.
Also, short women are evil.
who's that? reverse image search gives no clues.
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I don't know her name, but here's her Instagram.
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how to acquire GIANT gf
source or more on the big girl please?
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Going on a date tomorrow with a tall girl, around 6' I think. Her profile said shes interested in dommeing too
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rommy bulikowski!

Make COTNB its flagship.
I got it from this very site, image search gives no meaningful results so I assume the guy who first posted it here got it from either facebook or instagram or any other "closed" social network.
fake and gay
real and straight
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they need to be forcibly paired with manlets
St Louis Arch
Somehow she manages to be super hot and not attractive at all just because of how fucking dumb she is
best body type. tall and a bit fat.
there's a tall girl at work who's a major bitch, can't stand that lanky. pale, hook nosed, know it all.
Yes please! When will I be assigned my amazon?!?
>they thought I wanted to be crushed, which is totally not the case.

Kinda sounds like it is.
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Isn't her whole deal that she's actually >only 6' ?
would ejaculate into
Still am waiting for OC, will anyone be kind enough?
How did it go?
aidan lea mi amor
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How did this even happen? It's moderately succesful female athletes making softcore fetish content
Grandeur Models my friend, they make these videos. I was thinking the exact same thing, even knowing about such an agency me, being a lover of tall women immediately suspected the owner might be one of us. I don't know how they got these athletes to expose themselves like this, either the modelling pay is really good or female athletes don't make that much money.
look dis: https://old.reddit.com/r/annasmrek/comments/1fj6p41/anna_smrek_with_55_guy/
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Tall preggo content is 10/10
I'm a 5'2 girl and I work with a 6'2 girl who is way younger and completely mogs me and it's very intimidating
u/heyitsmebeez on reddit
she's had 3 children, but stopped posting this year. She's never exploited her height that much and I so wish she would.
cute af
6'9 in heels
height not listed
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And they actually love the idea of a confident man nonchalant about their height difference, I know.
I want to bump her leg
I would so just want to hold her hand walking down the street and give 0 fucks about the stares.
>long meaty legs that she used to wrap around me.
That's what I love most about tall girls, legs that go on for days.
legs for days (height not listed)
Cutie pie
Yeah especially with those lucrative contacts and sponsorship deals that come with being a professional female athlete. I've heard at the higher levels, the really popular female players can earn as much as 10, maybe even 20 thousand annually! Factor in their yearly $5 they get from merch and jersey sales, what more could they want?
Is she stacked?
Last night I went to a bar for drinking (instead of my usual at home, alone drinking) and the had girls soccer on and HOLY SWEET JESUS IT WAS WALL TO WALL CUTIES!
Anyway, I had to stop drinking so I could masturbate at home.
I’d wife her so hard
fuck, I forgot to attach pic
Height not listed
6'5 (Maeve Donnelly, ex basketball player)
6'7 Katie Woolis, but I think she's a he. The face is very masculine. :(
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height not listed
hawt. any more of her???
>arm doodles
Why do they do this?
6'4 barefoot
height not listed
got any more?
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no, sadly. this is an old picture most likely from facebook and in these cases it's very hard to recover the name of whoever posted it.
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6'9 from Lithuania
Would love to hump left's leg while I'm wearing her panties
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6'7 volleyball player
6'7 baskteball player
Delaney McSweeney from Iowa

anyone have that nude women with the glasses that was posted on /b/ a few times?
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>personal content feeds
>custom content
>entirely at the model's discretion
>no mention of any limit on what the content could be
It's Onlyfans for tall chicks only lol
She's like Giantess Marzia
What kind of custom content?
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some foot fetishist requested feet until some leaks happened and they stopped (allegedly)
I'm not a foot guy so it's disappointing it's only foot stuff, but maybe it'll get better as time goes on
They have a bunch of 'registered models' and you can request 'custom content' from any of them on an individual basis.
There's no expressed limits, so I guess you can ask for anything. I'm not sure what each model would actually agree to though.
Someone know the name of this girl? I think she is in TikTok. Please help!
Forgot pic
It isn't exclusively related to feet, as other anon pointed out, it's no limits and up to the model. One of the girls was requested feet pics which later got leaked so she stopped taking those requests (the fetishists were bitching about it on twitter). Common vids are size comparison with a short guy (see above) and women standing/walking around in slowmo.
More of this unknown girl
absolutely built for my manlet cock
anyone have the leaks, or know which girl it was?
this one. you can see her name up the chain (I don't want this thread to pop un in search engines). Size 13 shoes.
sorry, forgot to link your reply
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Here you go.

Nothing makes me more optimistic about this country than seeing the happy, healthy corn-fed white girls who play sports at my school


My kids NEED to come from her loins, simple as
Anybody have any OF recommendations?
r/OnlyFans101TallGirls and similar subreddits (this is the one with the most advertised profiles)
More than half of them there are like 5'8" and 5'9"
>mfw I am judging them like women judge men on dating apps
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just around 6'2''
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There is Grandeur Models if you want, the difference is that it's only softcore and the women are pro athletes.
I bet the person who leaked the photos was E.Lisina or one of her associates.
She's such a massive bitch and I personally witnessed several instances where she went on war with people who tried to climb up the ladder in the tall girl fetish community.
She made this website "world tallest models" where she and some other tall girls (mostly from Eastern Europe/Russia) sell fetish content (mostly feet stuff and comparison) but it wasn't as thriving as expected which got her to the point where she posts literal nudes in her OF.
Now she sees someone else creates a similar website with more models who are also taller, you can be sure that she will take it personally.
Holy cow, I would have never suspected this in a thousand years. Now that I think about it, she does seem to be the type of person who aggressively self-promotes (any social network, even apperas as a guest on several youtube channels), but this competition between tall women is something new to me. Will keep an eye on this, care to share more about it?
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for example, pic rel is what she posted in her story the day Grandeur model officially announced their models and published their first teaser.
The one girl whose pics got leaked happens to be the same height as her and the agency has one that's an inch taller. She is currently listed in Guinness book as the world's tallest model, so I guess it's full on war for her?
Yeah, Nancy is taller than her, and personally I think Anna is taller than her too (she looks slightly taller than 6'9, maybe 6'9.5?). The person in charge of Grandeur is a 6'7 American woman who is a former pro basketball player(her name is Vicky is guess), which partially explains how she could pull all these college volleyball/basketball players into content creation.
Lisina created the WTM as some sort of modeling agency for tall girls, but in reality it's all centred around herself: she never hire girls taller or even same hight as herself, and she participates in all the height comparison videos, making sure that she height mogs every tall girl that is there. Grandeur model doesn't have main character or primary model, and the person in charge isn't even among the models.That's another reason for how she could convince those college athletes.
Thanks for the reply! Yes the Victoria is the owner of GM. I have some final questions:
1. How do you know Anna is 207cm instead of the listed height of 205? It seems that she grew a bit and gained some muscle, so is heavier than her listed weight. She is literally my dream woman.
2. What do you think personally of GM and its owner? Up in this thread some people, with whom I agree, said that GM is a softcore fetish agency. But from afar it looks or brands itself as a modelling agency. Maybe as some anon pointed out the athlete gigs pay peanuts or modelling pays a lot? Makes me sad for the girls, and Anna in particular, perhaps they didn't know better or got duped. I wouldn't feel this way if their socials were more upfront in this regard.
Thanks again.
No problem. I think Anna is a little taller than 6'9 because of the pictures in which she stands next to other tall girls. There was particularly this picture of Wisconsin's team when they visited Europe, Anna was standing next to a basketball player who was listed as 6'9 but she was taller than him. I know that there are a lot of factors influencing people's height in pics: how much they slouch, how close they're to the camera, the high added by the shoes/heels, etc...but i've seen too many pictures of her that eventually convinced me that she's a little above 6'9, and by a little i mean less than an inch.
Regarding the GM, i must say i kinda appears a little scammy to me: you have to pay for membership in order to contact the models, and you should come to an agreement with the model herself about the type of content that you want, and it might take quite a lot of time (maybe months) for her to make that content, and you have to pay the monthly subscription fee to the GM while you're waiting.
Maybe Vicky tricked these girls into modeling under the name of "Tall girls empowerment" or "Boosting the confidence of fellow tall girls in order to own their height" and bullshits like that which a lot of young girls actually buy. Most of the models are college student which i don't think they make banks even for those who are D1. The others are either retired athletes or playing for tier 2-3 teams. The only person who actually plays for a big club and makes good money out of her sport is Dana.
Yes, I suspected Vicky lured them with such techniques. The whole thing looks as if she's pimping them out.

You know a lot about this scene and it shows. What is your favorite tall woman? Do you date them irl? I'm recently single and I think I have a good chance with a tallie (I'm also on the taller side for a man but not exceptionally so). I only realized I liked them as an adult, and started looking for content across different social networks.

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I've been into this shit since my early teenage years. Back in the old days there weren't so many tall girl contents in the internet, all over the social medias. The only mainstream social media was myspace, lmao. How many times i fapped to those 6'3 girls who were wearing chunky heels to be 6'9, 9'10 (like pic rel).... now you have girls who are that height barefoot.
I don't have any favorite, any girl above 6'3 (190cm) will do it for me,...and for dating i don't really mind the height, tall or short, or other physical appearances for that matter,.. personality is far more important to me.
What a cutie
Cool. I came of age around 2015 so the golden age of tumblr, deviantart, pinterest and reddit was waiting for me at the door lol.

Now that I looked more into Lisina... this woman sued discord! And also subpoenaed them to know the identities of some users. Furthermore she seems to have a feud with Lower Rider lmao
I want to smell her shoes
That's Goddess Severa. She has a website where she does nudes and femdom stuff.
Damn, 'sconny reppin hard! I fuckin swear we got the lockdown on tall, thick legged white girls, props to whomever in the UW system is finding all these ladies.
You go to the matches often? Wisconsin's coach earns more than 500k plus a bonus of 100k if he wins the championship, he obviosuly scouts the best like his life depends on it (who also happen to be blazingly hot).
Are they dating someone or not?
Height not listed (Marfan maybe?)
wasted image slots
last GF was 6'
shit was great, porcelain skin and a super sexy face, she was virgin too.
Miss her a lot bros.



yes clearly Marfan Syndrome
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>be rich
>hang around volleyball gyms
First gf was 6'7" (I'm 6'2") and said this. She'd never had it and "felt weird that I didn't feel weird" but she loved it. Got me laid first date cause I never brought it up kek
Fuuuuckkk I wanna be able to experience that. If you don't mind what height were the members of her family?
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Literal Goddess
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Her Dad was 6'10/11"ish, both brothers were 6"+ at the time, and they were 9/10 lol. Mom wasn't "tall" but probably 6' flat. She looked like her Dad's clone, just prettier (thank god) lol.

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