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What's with this recent trend of Korean girls with huge asses?
Usually when people talk about loving Korean girls its Idols with stick figures.
These girls have fucking massive asses.
Anyone else know ones like these?
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This is xxapple/xxapple_e2
Beautiful ass, but her OF is kind of disappointing like all of these girls.
Govt restrictions prevent them from doing anything hardcore.
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God I want to die in that ass
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This is yuyuhwa.
Slightly better of than xxapple but I think xxapples ass is better.
Loads of content though
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Still a beautiful sight to behold
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This is amysong, who as far as I can tell has gone completely inactive.
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And last and in my opinion, least
Really popular on here but I find her content to be... somewhat uncultured.
Something about her doesn't seem...right
Still a killer body
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Had some webms of her but they wont upload it seems.
Either way, I love this trend, and I would happily die in any of the thighs of these lovely ladies.
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yuyuhwa is way better, she actually has shown pussy and nipples
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And she's done dildo videos and stuff like that.
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korean girls have no ass. fake thread.
good thread
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Not bad, not absolutely huge like the others in this thread but she's still insanely hot.
They're getting implants , like a bbl >>22093565 this is bbl
God fucking damn, now that's a very good reason to learn basic Korean.
every Korean you see online is 90% fake, completely doomed country
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Are Zoomers so brainrot that they seriously think Snapchat filters are real?
Korea is probably the plastic surgery capital of the world. Even the men get plastic surgery. It was only a matter of time before they started getting fake tits and asses. I hope it becomes a thing. This thread gives me hope.
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you can see the ass pads retard. even more common are hip pads now. once you know you'll see them everywhere
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these are fake plastic asses right?
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shame about the face
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no ass
nothing in this thread is real, either rplastic surgery or image/video editing

Asian women are all flat twigs
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bitch those are soups in cans those aren't ingredients
You think the entire continent of Asia excluding the sub-continent has the same body type?
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I found out that she no longer goes by amysong but kikiki_7979 and anna_s2
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you're correct that they aren't real, however you're wrong about the method
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Left 7 days of nut in one on Monday. Busted in doggy and her pussy muscles gripped my dick until all of it was out. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't masteurbate for at least 8 hours. That's how emptied I was.
what would be the method?
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I think they just don't care. I don't mind it myself if it's not too obvious, but that one is just unsettling.
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stealth xxapple thread
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It was originally my hope that people would post other girls like this but it seems like it has become a mostly xxapple thread.
It's not my fault her content is the most available.
Love her ass tho.
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