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Stewardess, oh stewardess.
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I remember watching a cheesy '90s porno movie with a pilot getting a blowjob by a stewardess on a plane, and he said, "Now I see why they call these the friendly skies!"
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not enough filter. I can almost see her face still
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The dream
Fucking lovely
first class service should include oral sex
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Hot bitch
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What's this? Did they go into the stwedardness machine and they Pop out all looking like that?
All flight attendants should be female, less than 20% body fat, white, Asian, or Hispanic, between the ages of 18-45, and should not be permitted to wear shoes on the flights. Also, skirts only, and the skirts must be less than 12” below the hip.
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Yours doesn't?
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wtf no
I'm getting scammed
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Not anymore. They are mostly fat, black, gay men, or old. They have mostly even stopped wearing hose and heels. Cute young grills don't have to work in 2024.

t.business traveler
I had a little hottie for a ORD-LAX flight recently but yeah, generally it's slim pickings.
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Air hostesses in the 1950s were sexier.
The petite ones are the best as you can fit them inside handluggage.
Always a negress to spoil things...
Always a racist here to spoil the fun
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Hnnng! Imagine all these nyloned stewardess's feet smell after a long flight
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Whelp, thread's over. Feet people ruin goddamn everything.
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i wonder how much fucking there is, i bet lot of between pilots and stewardess not so much for male ones seeing they are mostly male only crews i keep seeing when flying
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woman in a nutshell
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>thread's over
Ok then, time for you to fuck off. Btw imagine the aroma while you go, maybe it will make you straight
>spend years to become an airline pilot and score qt stewardesses
>by the time you get there it's only gay male stewards on your crew because all the cute girls became onlyfans whores instead
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