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Post your favorite butterface sluts
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>body 5/10
>face 4/10
Seems rather fitting...
Does this really qualify as butterface?
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maybe not?
I think

>body 8/10
>face 4/10
This girl isn't ugly, she's just mid.
Furthermore, she's way more attractive than any sheboon or pajeeta I've ever seen.
I got the perfect butterface
Thats not an 8 body. Touch grass.
This is the perfect butterface

Holy fuck! I 100% know her from university. Was sure, but had to confirm on FB.

This is the first person I've ever seen on here who I've known.
lol post a hot FB pic to prove it
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>flabby cottage cheese arse and thighs
>weird lumpy hips
her body is as bad as her face
Who's she?
I’d destroy that pussy!
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My trainer at the gym
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Elly Naomi
She's cute as shit.
she's aaaalright, i'd skullfuck 'er
>a thread about ugly women
>most are just 6/10s at worst
Jesus Christ, do you Zoomers have brainrot from all of the e-thots and Snapchat filters?
The butterface threads are full of decent-looking women, the "conventionally unattractive" threads are full of complete uggos, and the milf threads are full of women in their 60s who hit the wall HARD.

/s/ is kinda fucked these days.
"Chubby" is also just the fattest gross whales too
This thread is three days old. Why are there only 9 pics?
Tell us more
The fact that she has hairy pits makes her even hotter. If she had saggy tits she'd be perfect. Oomph.
Wanna smell those socks.
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They get kind of saggy
If these are what you consider a butter face, I think your entire perception of reality might be irreversibly warped.

>milf threads are full of women in their 60s who hit the wall HARD.
That's because dipshits seem to think that milf has some sort of age requirement and bitch if you post anyone under 55.

I think she's perfectly cute. Just seems like a bad picture due to her frowning/scowling.
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What happened to the anon that said he knew her at university? Tell us more.
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Didn’t take too long to find.
Her face got worse when I read the posters on its wall.
Is that a man?
The cannibal look.
Looks like my broher grew some tits!
?pointless avocado tats
?ugly nipple rings
?hairy armpits
JESUS... trifecta of disgust.
The face is the cherry on the dog turd.
Nope, Russian.
lopsided tits
luimpy space princess ass
good to see the incels are still alive.
And god help you if you want a thread about thicc women
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>she got extra based when I read the posters on its wall.
Gianna Michaels is not a butterface, she's trailer-trash hot
Fuck off, Redditfag: leftism isn't "based" no matter how bad you trannies keep trying to co-opt our culture.
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>posts a photo of Sydney Sweeney but ignores to show her epic tits
This thread is a dumpster fire.
>ignores to show her epic tits
shut yer gob, pajeet.
This thread was a mistake.
For the first time ever, I wish the jannies would just do their thing.
That looks like crazy Aussie feminist.
Can't remember the name. She's got a son which is child abuse . This is a really old photo
The avocado tattoo is just retarded slut alert for me. I'd bang all these ugly hoe bags but the stupid tattoo is the don't fuck crazy warning sign you mustn't overlook. I saw this really sexy prostitute who looked good but she had Nissan tattoo.
how is this butter?
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Bitch, I've been here since 2007. Not my fault you're retarded and need to touch grass.
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And god help you if you go into a tomboy thread
>touch grass
Fuck off pRedditor.
Go back to crying about Kuntmala on Bluesky.
Most of these are attractive women who I wouldn't say no to.
We were promised ugly faces with gorgeous bodies. Yet each specimen fails to be disproportionate. You cannot escape this failure by name-calling.
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We get it, you're an incel
99% of Jewish women meet this criteria. Why not just make a Jewish women thread?
I fucking love Jewey broads.
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Hell yeah. More of that. I'd get that bitch pregnant.
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I've got a few
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Dat's a Lotta teeth, innit
That'lbe her wanking hand in the bandage.
peak german
mm nice jewess
We get it, you're a fat pedophile who makes $0 a year moderating /r/politics.
Such a cute butterface.
She definitely belongs here.
Her nasty face makes her extremely hot.
I have a weird taste.
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I have a butterface fetish. Where do you find these?
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One of my favorites
let's guess, since you called out black and subcontinent chicks, that means you're probably one of the other inferiors. are you part hispanic, jew, italian, irish, or what? what filth are you?
She may be a radical psychotic, but not a butterface.
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Butterface women are everywhere. The Butterface/Beautyface ratio is 1 Million to 1
I'm Batman.
She's adorable.
Are you blind or retarded?
I bet she's fairly cute when she's not making a weird face
Faggot detected
She's got Angelica Houston thing going on... I have a thing for Angelica Houston - this could work.
this is pure bait. that body is obviously prime breeding material.
Being unshaven is always a plus in my book.
Women in general should go back to a more natural, traditional look.
>"Gay & Tired"
Why is it always the mentally ill who decide to go unshaven. I just want a normal healthy woman to look like this.
Where is the rest of this set?
Are there any more preggo pics?
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This thread is AIDS.
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when you see and ugly face and then look down and see one of the best asses on the planet it feels like going down a fucking rollercoaster
shes ugly but in her youth cute as fuck id make out with it and get hard on
lol this retard doesn't know how to smile correct
that face is so ugly i can't even believe its real
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tone of the only appropriate posts in the thread, actually probably one of the better butterfaces I've seen congrats. I would smash the granny out of that


You need more than a big conk to be a butterface, wtf
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Does she did it for u ?
Chin up high girl gets my cum alot more than I'd like to admit
Any more of her?
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love it
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Maybe in Louisiana.
You just know she was never hotter than she was here.
>this ogre will never put me in her basement just to cowgirl and deeply grunt the seed out of me, dripping as she wordlessly leaves
why live?
>fiance is getting similarly skinnyfat
>tfw there's nothing you can do but live with it or get a mistress because women are deathly allergic to criticism and self improvement
>tidd stretchmarks and average body overall
And she looks like a dude I used to work with in the face. Would not.
Warwick Davis is looking stunning here.
Looks like the MegaRace guy; weird tits.
>midwestern middle school boy face
>all her bits are sad
wouldn't even leave the house for this.
>because women are deathly allergic to criticism and self improvement
And why are you supposed to care? Your job as a man is not to make a woman feel good about herself, you pathetic fucking soiboi. Your job is to keep them insecure and longing for your validation, but never really giving it to her.
>playing this dumb game
Or I'll just fuck someone else and save myself the headache.
this one always has 3 pics posted of her on the beach, need more skin
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How do you cope with the site being so bigoted and slur-dropping in every way since its inception? Do you lie to yourself and say it's ironic? Even so, could you talk to your leftist friends the way people always have on 4chan without exile or struggle session?
god what a yummy bitch, I'd leave a me shaped hole in my door getting to that if she sent it.
Winner and no other post is close. The face/body disparity is insane. She could betray me to the core and I'd still fuck it a few more times.
Pretty average body and that face is too fucking eldritch.
You have no idea what "average" is.
That's what any bitch looks like with just the slightest fork discipline. I'm sorry you're midwestern/southern American. That should not be the baseline.
You're either 12 or out of your goddamn mind. The average woman doesn't have tits anywhere near that nice. Also, I'm from New York.
So she some okay tits. I see that. She's also kinda lumpy and skinny fat. Granted she may be kinda old. It's an okay, fuckable body on any woman for sure. Most women SHOULD be fuckable if they just don't Amerimaxx. However, that face is just a straight 1.
is pretty fucking busted too but at least looks like a fucking model from the neck down.
>She's also kinda lumpy and skinny fat
Do you live in a concentration camp?
>Granted she may be kinda old
Which would make her great tits even better.
>However, that face is just a straight 1.
Well, yeah, that's the point of the fucking thread.
tl;dr - you're fucking retarded.
Inversely, you must be 55 and your standards have hit bedrock from the regulars in your swingers group.
I just don't think that body is anything special, man. It's the body of any non-exercising woman with a healthy diet. It's not nearly hardbody enough to make up for *that*
The implication is "everything is great about her but her face", where's the fucking great? The tits are semi-shapely but hardly fucking amazing.
>It's the body of any non-exercising woman with a healthy diet.
Yes. Which is not "average".
>The tits are semi-shapely but hardly fucking amazing.
I take it you were the one posting this pig? >>22117936
I don’t think butterface is a fair description. She’s got a really cute face in person.
nobody cares how long youve been here. strongly consider suicide if youre not only a tranny, but so much of a loser youre bragging out using 4chan when it was only for weebs. just get drunk and hang yourself, it will be painless
>zoomers sour grapes'ing the era of the website that was good
We get it man you came here in 2016. Dumb nigger
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Butterface 0/10
She’s hot
Thick af
the fuck you smoking dude she's prety
It's an unflattering angle you spastic
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Is she too good for this thread?
ok no not based on that
Her at 19
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not a butter face. fuck off
you're just fishing for compliments
Definitely 0/10 Butterface
She’s fine as anything
Name ?
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She‘s buxom, what‘s your problem. Is pic related better?
Not better than the woman we were discussing, no.
She is very attractive, and I say this as someone who is of part West European descent. She has eyes typical of many West Europeans, right triangle-like shaped eyes with the hypotenuses slanting downward away from her nose bridge.
Honestly, big/hooked noses on women are quite attractive to me...
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>women are deathly allergic to criticism and self improvement
well said, but that's why you need to find one that grew up in a healthy family. It's impossible to get a fatty and instill discipline and a healthy lifestyle into her. Every thicc gf I had turned into a chain smoking, binge drinking whale a few months into the relationship
kek sounds like a closet/vulnerable narc
10/10 Butterface
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Absolute Butterface
MILF body too
Unironically, got any more?
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>Read in british accent
*Bottle of water*

Not exactly qualifying as butterface, here. Got any from behind or (better still) a photoset link?
>Fuck the Patriarchy
>as she takes nude pics
Alright, dumbass.
Sucks that we aren’t getting anymore Carmen. I’ve wanked to her picture so many times since I found it.
Once you got a society where men stop acting like men, you'll notice women do a lot of contradictory things.

It's time for men to become proud, assertive leaders again, who put women into their place, who don't care what other people think and other look up to, instead of calling them "toxic".
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Yeah, that's her
You're a degenerate faggot trying to cope about your own inadequacies.

Real men don't bitch and whinge and whine about women, to other men, on an anonymous porn board. That's is so desperately pathetic And women can tell, that's why they avoid you. They can subconsciously smell the loser qualities in your genetics and they instinctively avoid.

Natural selection clips and prunes the branches, and that's your burden to bear. Don't make it someone else's problem.
underage b&
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looks just like my ex damn
Not convinced she’s a Butterface
With her hair done and some make up would wager a cutie in fact
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Butter everything
comedy gold
holy shit. ACK ACK ACK ACK!
that would scare me shitless as a jumpscare.
because it's not normal for women to not want to shave at least some if given the option to do so. you're weird, just face it. every woman you've had sex with doesn't shave at all? I've been with 1 woman that doesnt shave, and it was a weird jewish woman that I regret having sex with. all the other ones shaved because they were normal. you hairfags are insufferable.
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Big jugs ugly face
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I don't think you understand how this works.
Butterface or not,if she made herself up a touch better she’d be rocking
Super MILF body
I'm seeding all 3 of these bitches,definitely not butterfaces..
the middle one is hot, but how could you really pass up the opportunity to use the phrase, "big jugs, ugly mugs?"
Yes, it's not "normal" in our society because we normalize degeneracy, this isn't a new concept. Except biologically, it's entirely normal. It's what our bodies are supposed to look like. Not shaving makes women look complete, authentic and and sexually mature as it's an extension of their sexuality.

I want women to be hairy because they're not self-conscious, shallow people who want to make a statement, I want them to be hairy because they genuinely don't care, consider it part of their bodies and don't even think about it. Like literally every european woman before the 1990's.
She looks like a Nickelodeon cartoon character from the 90s
left is the cutest out of the three, and she's probably a 6/10
middle is a butterface
right is butter everything
I can see it. Also checked.
whats at the chains end?
Her dog, stupid.
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lol I follow her on Twitter, @ conspiracyfans
she's got a great rack
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Maddy is queen of the Bengals.
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I'm always amazed at what the virgins on this site consider a "butterface". Half the time the face is completely acceptable and the body is like a 4.5/10. I don't think most of you actually understand the concept.
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Contribute or fuck off
>Female version of Bon Scott
You think she's ugly?
She's probably just making an awkward smile.
I'd have to see more angles and facial expressions to truly judge.
Wrong thread bro! That's not a butterface. That's a buttereverything. Yuck.
This is a reverse butterface. (Butterbody?)
Her body is absolutely perfect but her face is disturbing
Bodo Ramelow, is that you?
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Not even i would
ah. Her winning smile is just the same expression she'd make while she's riding you, one finger up your bum, or two, three, always staring at you like that, always checking how much more you can take, eagerly waiting for you to make your little monk cry inside her dank pleasure cavern for her to suck your semen up in only her god knows what chakra to gain her final form. A face even 4chan can't make up.
You want it, you'd love it, you couldn't resist.
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>Butterface Thread
> 75% of posts feature average looking women.

Leave your parents basement, go outside, and see some real people, anons.
Leashplugs are fucking hot.
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Not surprised these dudes are incels.
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This is my all time favourite
You have more of her??

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