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>download some random muscular chicks photos
>military girl
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Anyone have Navy sluts? Looking for O's
>military flat ass girls threads
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Source? Think I know her
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God damn
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who is this goddess?
Nice bush. More?
big titty tomboy hikkineet bunkbunnies are real...
ugly fake tits should be a dishonorable discharge
Anna Livingstone
you're replying to a photo of a woman in uniform... wtf you want?
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I'm replying to the thread in general, and all the photos after OP's first pic are just that, muscular women, no military uniform.
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Anything more of her?
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Recognize, not sure that's a real pic though

on twitter
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Bump, anyone have more?
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zog botettes already serve an anti-White master so they often go to nigs also. Moral nihilism. Useless wasted life purpose.
I see her posted in every thread. What's the story behind this

She's in the Navy, and likes taking off her clothes for the camera.
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Not often you see torpedo tits outside of the 70s
Know the story on this one?

She's in (I believe) the Air Force and like staking her clothes off for the camera.

Honestly, does there need to be any more of a story than that?

I mean, I can make one up for you if you like.
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Her name is Nikole with a K was station the 29 Palms this is her face in case somebody was ever wondering her pics faceless are circulating for years
She has unreal tits, any more floating around?
Those pajeetas desperately need white cock to join in their ancestral memories. Put through a shower again beforehand, just in case.
Spanking and buttfucking brown women is amazing...they usually take to it with delight. The popularity of BWC, as with most facts of life, just isn't politically "correct".
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Went to uni with her.
Any good stories? I know she was a late bloomer in hs but was a complete rabbit once it started
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more coasties
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Anyone got any DLI / Intel girls?
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>our tax dollars paid for that boob job
I always come into these threads to see if I can find any women that I'd recognize from my time in the service, and by god, this one was so close.
Dead-ringer for one of the women, but the unit patch is wrong, and there's no way in hell that girl got SSG.

One day, I will find a familiar face in these threads, but it is not today...
Same. But also I want to hit the faggots in the head with a shovel who betrayed them, unless they had consent to poster the internet. I got married before I joined and only after serving with these honnies did I realize I made a mistake. I'm in love with 99% of these girls who served. They treated me like fucking gold
lol this bitch is in my unit. her fiance is cringe and apparently is chill with her having OF
Which bitch?
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you really love mind masturbation don't you?
>who betrayed them
These are military girls, these whores are posted here because they cheated, fuck are you high?
That's hilarious. What name is she going by?
She got a last?
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Interested too drop her OF so we can get the leaks
disgrace to the uniform.
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post yourself in uniform
It's always disappointing to see officers in these threads. Like, enlisted have always been trash, the literal sweepings of the gutter, but to see fellow officers degrade themselves hits harder. And when I say trash I really mean trash, dealing with enlisted is by far, far, the best and worst part of the army. It's like dealing with a weird buck toothed squint eyed alien species that does strange and incomprehensible things, sometimes it's a wonder, but mostly it's pure frustration.
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You're brainwashed into thinking they are your betters because they're your leaders that's so far from the truth once I became a staff NCO and was brought into the Inner Circle some officers would tell me some OCS stories of these sluts getting trains pulled on them. women are going to women it's all that means
bad bait post officer nudes or gtfo
I would do it with decency and respect, not just for the uniform but for the country it represents. These women should be ashamed of themselves.
Anyone have Haley?
I thought officers were for critical thinking and decision making. I didn't realize they made every retard who wasted his parents' money on a lesbian dance degree one

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