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Previous Thread: >>22085999
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please post more natty girls guys
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she got her implants removed?
an old pic
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oh, i see. thanks.
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the problem w these threads is always the same: they lose more in breast mass & figure than they gain in muscle mass. which leads them to either being flat as a chalkboard or having to add bolt-ons which stick out like a sore thumb bc they don't have the ancillary fat anymore to make them look natural.

and even if you find that rare unicorn that can get fit (never mind muscular) and still have a figure, they rarely go topless/nude. honestly, the best place for fitchicks nowadays is AI.
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As a fan of both bolt ons and flat chests,(I know it makes no sense but I like extremes) I don't have any problem with either of them.
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Thread theme:

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I would let her go tinkle on me and maybe in my mouth
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prove it
Some of these women just have some weird thing with body modification stuff. Thats why they will also get into excessive tattoos, piercings, bizarre hairstyles ect.

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