inspired by Millais' Ophelia
>>22116025...distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government.
>>22116025...distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
>>22116067I disagree. You could argue it’s worked exactly once. That’s still a 100 percent success rate.
Kinoest thread ever.
>>22116067>>22116147Are you being oppressed by the violence inherent in the system?
>>22116067I’m not old… I’m 37
God what a great threadwould appreciate some more high-ish res ones to save more for Wallpaper usagefantastic stuff
not enough massive tits
all these blobs up in your cooter
>>22116281There are worms in your intestines at this very moment. Do you feel them anon? When's the last time you took antiparasitic medication?
Kamelot!Kamelot!... It's only a model
>>22116852>>22116853>>22116860>>22116864>>22116866>>22116870>>22116871great hi res batch
>>22116025This is a most excellent thread.
>>22116025>women lying in ponds inspired by Millais' Opheliablessed thread
>>22116025>Strange women lying in pondsthat's awfully specific anonngl it makes a cool thread though
There's some lovely filth down here
>>22120295the aesthetic is pleasing but the yeast infection would not be
>>22116025absolutely legendary thread anon, I nearly saved them all. I was an art and design student that took a lot of illustration classes / art history, and this hits such a sweet spot for me. Thank you for reminding me of these beautiful (p)arts of history.
Bumping the best thread ever.
a Merry Christmas bump for the road
>>22116067>>22116147>not titling the thread "Watery Tarts"
>>22126004I'd heave my scimitar at that, if you know what I mean...
>>22116025these kind of pics are beautiful but by god I wouldn't let my coochie touch half of these nasty puddles
saw this thread a while ago and only just now checked that the necessary python references had been made, thank you anons lmfao. supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses…
I for one am enjoying the farcical aquatic ceremony.
I will ask it because none of you other pussies are willing to do it.How many of these women are dead? A scholar must know.
>>22129396No, no sir, not dead. Resting!
>>22120715Source? Is this OC?
>>22130723>>22130726Ronin's Amateurs in Achtland, Oct 05, 2003
>>22120715>>22130902>>22130901Apparently Ronin was really into strange women lying in ponds, I even found a watery tart with a sword, sadly no moistened bints with scimitars
>>22130905>>22130816Thank you anon
(some of these are by Jilles Villeprat, another early Met-Art photographer)
>>22116148Valid point.
What a wonderful thread. I salute OP, and all contributors.
>>22116067>>22116147bit reddit innit
>>22130927>>22130928>>22130929these are too good for a porn board
>>22120295>Lonisa.jpg>There's some lovely filth down here>>22129224>Noelle.jpg>farcical aquatic ceremony.Great references
>>22129224lol and my god, gorgeous
>>22135901and what i don’t get about this thread is… i thought 4chan was for youngfags… how do you even ‘get’ this thread, if you’re not above a certain (advanced) age?
>>221359024chan remains a millennial site.
So, is there some psychology or something behind why this is appealing? Additionally, is there some sort of artistic tradition or symbolism that this is tapping into that is all lost on me? I presume if there is some cultural symbolism etc. then that must be getting into some sort of anthropological, phycological whatever thing.
>>22135902Why do you think you have to be old to understand this reference?
>>22116264"I said BE QUIET!"
>>22136868Boomers and GenX invented and rule 4chan
>>22116025>>Serial killer spotted>>Not FED at allCome on Anon your description is a little vague. Could you define a little more the exact topography of the scene that turn you on ? UwU
>no 'Fatal Frame' 2014weirdly specific thread omission
OldGenXFag hereAmazed that this thread is still aliveI posted these>>22120295>>22129224in reference to my first fiancee.Here's another one:
>>22137296this, what the fuck.
>>22137296> Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh> Totally motionless except for her heart> Mud flowed up into Lump's pajamas> She totally confused all the passing piranhas
>>22139728I prefer Weird Al Yankovic's "Gump" better.
>>22124206this one gives me tension
>>22139728damn, that fits perfectly