Black women with beverages.
>>22117856Where did this started? Tell us your history, beverage sistas anon. Do you like to drink alcohol with black kweenz? It's refreshing as fuck, gotta say it... If you pay them a beer, they might give you a golden shower, shit is insane. Thread theme btw:
>>22117856But why?
>>22117914Maybe imagine sitting with them over a drink.
>>22117894>Where did this started?I've long been one of a few anons here that like to post ebony threads. Eventually noticed that there was something kino about black women with a beverage in their hand. About two years ago I posted the first beverage sistas thread. I usually post them once or twice a year as the theme is so specific that it takes time to accumulate new images. Good thread theme anon, I like it. >>22117914>But why?Because I love to see ebony queens on /s/ and why not?>>22118020>imagine sitting with them over a drink.I like to imagine them sitting on my face, but your suggestion is good too.
>>22118196Very nice.
>>22118386Fren, I'll go to a metal concert soon, I'll try to buy a beer for a cute gothic negress, in our honour. I'm too shy, maybe we shouldn't count on it hehe'... But who knows?
>>22118398That would be awesome.
>>22119047I'll go there with a black friend. Hopefully this will gimme a white boy with the N word pass status.
>>22119289Holy shit I'd love to see smile like that every time I wake up.
>>22117856What an oddly specific fetish.
>>22121605It's not actually a fetish since it's not really a sexual thing, it's more of an interest.
Today I saw a cutie black girl eating watermelon. It was kinda funny. Hopefully pic related counts as beverage sista, cuz I'm running out of beverage sistas pics
>>22117894Where can I obtain photographic evidence of black women peeing?
>>22117914>>22117914>>22117894I like these threads!