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Latex, Vinyl, Gold Bikinis, etc...
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It's a shame this is the only clip of her.
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Thank you for coming to my seminar on why shiny asians are wonderful
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Tried buying this whole set, but it's physical only and for whatever reason buyee wouldn't ship it to America. Thank you for reading my blog post
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I guess the thread wasn't meant to be, bros
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Give it another try; she (and also other similar models) report being in bad health.
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It has since run out of stock and I do not know if there's a reprint coming, but I've been keeping an eye out
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I uhh, don't trust the above post
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Gonna dump some Aki I've got that matches OP's theme.
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First batch done for now.
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Let's switch to metalic blue.
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Some silver
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More blue.
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I'm looking for a vid in youtube which featured a tall gravure model in a gray metallic swimsuit which was being "waxed"? by a petite girl that was from her staff. The model couldn't stop laughing.
The comments are filled with stuff like: "if you are watching this, then I consider you a part of my family" and the model herself is giving likes to most comments because she's the owner of the channel.
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Is this it ?
Thank you so much.
The comments are still as awesome as I remember.
No problem, you're welcome
Damn, who?
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She also has insta accounts. Most of her content is her at the gym.
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Thanks. She's stunning.
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Under no circumstance will it let me post the image I want to post, so have the tweet it came from.
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