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Keep it going
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Bella Mkay
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fat asses not fat women
Jesus Christ she's hiding a fucking quarry dump truck in left pic
Give me a nice PAWG any day, but spare me the hamplanets.
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I said it in the last thread and I'll say it again: don't validate women, especially those with fat asses. Even if you actually like fat asses.
Convince them it's a flaw and use that to your advantage, you'll be glad you did.
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I'll take the note. But.. my girl? I'm letting her know that dump trucks got me fucked up.
Why is Audible serving me ads with such a delectable dumper?
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I've always worshipped my girlfriend's body and it's done nothing but good. You're supposed to treat your girl well. Putting them down to get an edge over them will always end in disaster

Get fucked.
Why does cellulite make me horny?
Nothing crazy but just a little bit.
Real men like cellulite, it's the mark of a mature woman.
You really think Chad sees this >>22124497 goddess and goes
>"eww, look at those lumps. Yuck.*
No, he enjoys the dimpled texture.
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Wife of 2 years friend of 14 years
>Wife of 2 years friend of 14 years
Sounds sickeningly adorable, Anon, happy for you.
I just imagine how it feels to squish all that and I'm immediately ready to go.

I bet it's SUPER sensitive too.
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My wife

You know anon, I read your posts (last thread included), and I had a big long response, but honestly....I just feel bad for you. I have such deep pity for you, your ideas about women aren't even so bad they're funny, they're just....sad.

I can't tell you what to do with your life. But I suspect you will have a pretty lonely outcome with your proposed strategy. Imagine if your partner took that approach with you. Would you really want to hang around? Maybe for a bit, but not long-term.

Good luck out there anon. I'm so glad I'm not you.
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Pop that festering hole & drain it.

Also, my condolences
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Id tie her up and breed bang her then have her publicly gangbanged when she was knocked up
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luv fat bitches in leggings
simple as
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I love this. Do you have more to share?
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i wanna eat her ass
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Wife’s ass
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Whose fat butt does this belong to? O____O
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anyone here want to tell me what they would do to my wife?
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...Fuck her ass?
That’s the point. In the streets you have to express disgust for thick women while worshipping them in private. This will prevent them from having inflated egos and insane standards. You should make them believe that men who are attracted to their type (you) are extremely rare. You can’t put yourself in the position of a beggar. Black men are the biggest offenders of this.
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This is the biggest load of toxic bullshit I've seen yet today, but it's still pretty early in the morning in Trumpland, so...
nice. its all yours anon
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Stop bumping these fat ugly sows to the front page
>/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women
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Sweet, she's got plenty of ass to fuck so I geuss I'll get started.
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Keep thinking about niggers you weird faggot

Ugh man I come to /s/ to get away from the gay
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Is /s/ on team tan ass or team pale ass?
i almost started humping the in the air
Source? Hey big butt and tramp stamp are kino.
/s/ is on team man ass
Good lord, sarlacc pit
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Most anons would probably call that fat and ugly and I'd understand, but personally I do love me some fat pussy
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any more of her? i need more of her
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Do any of y'all recognize this girl
unironically very beautuful hand
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Arisa Komiya
yeh there so smooth
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Could never find the name
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She reminds me of my wife!
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This one might be closer.
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id tell her to sign you schmucks up for couples therapy
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Epic thread, thanks!
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My God, look at that huge ass... for a Japanese chick lmao.
It's sad and pitiful just looking at it.
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Exposed fatass slut
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Tell her she has a spankable ass.
Plumperpass sure got some quality bbws
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Exquisite ass
Some really terrible photoshop edits here
Yes! More!
Gyatdamn who is this slampig?
Awful shoops, especially unnecessary since Autumn already has a huge brapper
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Agreed, like look at this bitch
I can clearly see brown around her crack. If she can't clean her ass enough to make it presentable than she shouldn't be showing it to anyone.
The darker coloration is due to chafing.
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Drop em all man
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This pinay slut i met in tinder app, she loves being used and swallowing cum with all men she slept with.
Sarah was handcrafted to pleasure men
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Who is she?
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In other words, you’re miserable and you want people around you to be miserable. Got it.
You need to seek help, as do the people in your life.
Where can I buy your shitty "pickup artist" book?
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Lodi, Wisconsin
You can just smell the reddit from this post.
Footiefreak on erome for A LOT more
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kek i thought my gf was a cow
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OC from many years ago
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one more, ass has gotten fatter since this
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This thread needs to fucking die.
Any one else gonna zoom in on the brown little crust dotted in her upper crack. Honestly would eat it up even still.
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wife ready to receive
Just fucking hide it or filter it if you don't like it, retard.
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>Black men are beggars
Why are kids on this site so insecure about black men?
>Did I tell you how much better I am then then
>Also brings them up at every opportunity
Never change 4chan lol
Really nice and smooth. Huge asses with little cellulite are a treat

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