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Women who fall just short of passing as white. The paler the better.
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As a European, I wonder what the fuck that even means. All these women look "white" to me.
oh yes hello fellow european they definitely 100% look pure white as snow.
Wait... are these A.I?
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>posting a /pol/ meme on /s/
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More of her?
as an actual european, none of these look white to me
What do you mean "actual". I'm so pale I can literally see the veins through my skin. Yet I consider all of these women white. Being "white" is a spectrum in my opinion.
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The idea here is that these are non-white women who look white. In reality they are just as white as they are any other race.
>Almost White
>they are just as White as they are any other race.

And yet being White is a known, defined trait.
Mutts, regardless of what their make-up is, are just mutts. They are not White, black, or asian.
Le 56% is real
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Patrician my friend
Damn, if she didn't have brown nipples, she could almost be a dead ringer for my Lady Dimitriscu fantasy.
Uh, no? The one on the left in >>22127878 and >>22127880 is Golden Barbie.
Americans operate on a "one-drop" rule for minorities. Hell, a lot of black people are more European than African, but society at large is fucked up about it.

tl;dr - people are insane
i've been getting more into indian women lately bros...
the whales
OP is retarded
If this bitch is not white then I'm a fucking nigga from the hood
If she's almost white-passing, then I am Marvin Gaye.

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