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/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women

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A thread to celebrate women of exceptional height. A timeless, aristocratic elegance not afforded to short, petite, little, stubby females.

Preferably over 6'0, alone or in group, height comparison permitted, clothed or naked, full body or could be face in case the woman is famous, candid or not, references in media (TV, film, historical), videos too! Please no edits or morphs, only real pictures. No men. Mention height if possible.

Feel free to tell real stories.

To search for pics/videos you can use tumbex.com (tumblr mirror), old.reddit.com (old reddit interface), picuki.com (instagram mirror), urlebird.com (tiktok mirror), deviantart, pinterest.
Damn I forgot to link the previous thread.

Girl here is 6'2
height not listed
Tall with some muscle = erection section.
height not listed
Daamn I love sexy tall girls. I am 6,2 but I love I girl of my height or even more in heels, they look like fcking goddesses with those long legs
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>women: I won't date a man who isn't at least 8 inches taler than me
>be born a 6'6" woman
6'6" women will settle for a 6'3" guy I have seen it. Its not about being taller than them its about being taller than every other guy she sees
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Still waiting for anon to deliver on his former college volleyball player wife.
There are very few quality pics of these two chicks (Dragan Marinkovic and Urszula Bejga). A damn shame.
>Feel free to tell real stories
Thread ruined.
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This is the dream.
Cute tiny head on a giant looking body.
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height not on record
Bride is 6'1
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who is this
Brigitte Nielsen in the 80s
Love the roomies / college friends pics. When I was dating my future wife in college, her roommate was tall and there was a height difference like this; I think it got me started on tall girls.
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Jenny, 6'0
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6'0, amazing waist, things and ass
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wasted image slots
6'6 barefoot
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height not recorded
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Absolute amazon unit!
looks like two short girls in an overcoat.
Can we please hear some tall girl stories?
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7'0 (really)
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middle one is 6'4
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sophie hall
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Please share more of her.
Please share more of this girl too.
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>3rd from left
>tfw no 6'5" elf princess
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>Preferably over 6'0

i have this photo of Maria Sharapova (188 cm - 6 ft 2 in)
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6'2 vintage from 1958
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6'6 barefoot
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height not listed
The only thing I need to be happy in life is a tall and thick woman. Nothing else. Nothing.
What about food, breathable air, water, and sleep?
>>height not recorded
How about his cock measurements?
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Maslow's pyramid says I really need a tall woman to be happy, to just live I need the things you listed.

Pic is 6'6
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Idk the source but this pic is so hot
actually 5'11. Her instagram is @rosipoderosi
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Fucking Christ..
This, they generally have the same 6 foot rule but more like 6'3 minimum.
Left is hot af
damn, she's cute. altho that height doesn't sound believable.
now that's a large woman. she's still got the feminine proportions, she's just scaled up. I'm not gonna comment on the face tho.
she's really cute too
How does one get a tall gf? Preferably 18-22. I'm 6'5'' but older than college age
Her body! Wow!
If you're tall with a good job then it should not be hard. Best bet for a high concentration of tall beauties is the volleyball team.

Pic is 6'3
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6’5 Maeve Donnelly
How many of you anons in this thread are manlets with a tall girl fixation? I’m not trying to hate I’m just genuinely curious
I would say in general, yes. Nearly all the men that posted their heights in tall women sites have been on the shorter side. Most on the very short side, even. Not me though, I'm a tall man.
I'm 5'10'' and I had an equally sized girlfriend once.
I've dated short girls and tall girls.
Short girls are easier to cuddle and 69 with, and they take up less space on a bed (so if you have a small bed, a short girl is optimal).
But tall girls have those long legs that I love having wrapped around me.
6’2”, just have attraction to big (not fat or anything that kind of big) women.
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6’1 Jennuh jane
5'11, I'm tall for my country, I'd try taller grills, tall grills look awesome.
height not listed
I source all these pics from tall girl sites. The guys who upload them almost always include height, and are zealous about being accurate. I wouldn't doubt she is that tall.
Hey, she is smaller than me!
By half an inch...

So, serious question, where can I find such amazing amazon beauties?
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The best part about tall girls is their big feet. Picrel is 6’5 with size 12s
What a fucking goddess. I would spend days worshipping her feet and legs.
Ohhhhh YESSSS! Please share more of her.
this is from this photobook

same girl: https://photokiselev.ru/nadjanadya
She could easily rape them.
Good sleuthing anon. Gonna fap in your honor.

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