Help me fill up my ninetees folder by posting pictures of beautiful women that have a ninetees aesthetic. you can tell it's the ninetees by the clothing, hairstyle, picture quality and just general vibe of the picture
>>22130844God damn this picture almost transported me back in time, peak 90s feel. Liv was an absolute darling.
>>22131125Her dad is the lead singer of Aerosmith? literally just found that out now
>>22131060Terry Farrell was a goddess.
>>22130840Does my mom count?
>>22132260If I could invent my own woman ala Weird Science technology, she would resemble '90s-era Winona Ryder – short hair and all.
>>22131395Well yeah, duh.Where do you think she gets those epic lips from, her mom?
>>22133429Definitely passes the 90s vibes checks. Feel free to keep going
>>22136626this pic is so 1990s its like a time machine of awesome