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Jenna Ortega.
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Someone please post higher resolution image.
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This ugly spic ruined the new Beetlejuice movie.
And she looks like a fucking 12-year old.
I guess she has Hank Hill's diminished gluteal syndrome.
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She has an ass, you retarded faggot, she’s like 5’1”.

how depressing.
>She has an ass, you retarded faggot, she’s like 5’1”.
Weird: I've dated short girls in the past, and they had gigantic ghetto booty.
A short spic with a small ass is just pathetic.
Her tight tushie is perfect. Niggers will seethe since she doesn't look like a baboon of course
some do. my last ex was like 5' even and was flatter than the earth
1: Some “Hispanics” are much less mixed with Amerindian and AfroAmerican peoples and you will find them to be proportioned like Spaniards. No baboon butt, no hyena like dentition/ elongated snout/ or deformed mega clitoris, less likely to have fucking brown areolae or brown nipples.

Before the advance of whichever Gothic tribes invaded Europe so far as the Iberian Peninsula, it was inhabited by Celtic Tribes. They also inhabited other mainland European areas such as Britanny in France. The result of Gothic invaders taking over former Roman controlled areas resulted in all the dialects of Spanish and Portuguese and Català there. These were Very plainly European before the Moorish invasion.
Like Sicilians and Italians, they have some “shade” to their tan.

So if this little Garcia waif seems not to have a plump enough ass for you, or disappoints in any other way- you should file a grievance with the “Hispanic Cardholder Association” so that her card can be revoked, her switchblade knife can be taken away, her Chevy impounded, her Latinwear confiscated, and her credit raised to the level of a European American.
Cool starry bra, but most Italian women I know had big round asses too.
Ortega is a just plain goblina with a pathetic little child body.
ffs shut the fuck up
>His celeb crush is a hard-mid mutt
I feel bad for zoomers mayne

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