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Feels like it's been a while since we had one of these.
Scarves, blankets and whatever other soft stuff also welcome - let's celebrate girls that look as cute and comfy as possible.
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Anyone has pictures where the woman is wearing a sweater on top but fully naked at the bottom?
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Probably. My stuff isn't sorted out at all, though, so I'll post it if I find it.
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Those are cute! I really like those scarves, idunno.
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That one's nice!
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Okay, that's pretty adorable.
yes, comfy
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I'm gonna move on now, but I have more of this girl if you want them.
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Is her hair... going grey?
Is this like some aging lady?
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I'll dump 80+ in a separate thread
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Do gambesons count? They're soft and warm and cute
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