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/s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women

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Real, authentic women with that primal appeal.
continued from: >>22123744
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Why? It ruins it. Body hair is attractive because it's natural. Tattoos are anything but.
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Unfortunately some of the hottest hairy chicks come with tattoos. It's a compromise you have to makewhen dealing with ewhores.
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da best
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wish I had more pics featuring leg hair in nylons
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damn i love some fat hairy whores
What do you guys like about hairy women?
I'm a hairy girl myself but I've always kept myself spotless of any hair because it makes me insecure.
No Man I've ever met likes hair on a girl.
monkey brain go brrrrr

It's like she has a hidden animal part of her underneath her clothes that grows fur and needs care, and I can stroke it and put my face in it so I can smell her odor. Obviously I don't like it nasty and unwashed like some of these hoes that do it, it's great when it's clean

Don't you like to grow your hair out a bit as a girl, and not have to deal with the razor stubble and chafed crotch?
its natural, so i think its odd that so many people dont like it. i like my women how they're meant to be
You know that there's a dumb cunt asking this question in every other thread just to raise her self esteem and then fuck off without marrying anyone ITT right?
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It makes her look pure and womanly, as opposed to artificial and sterile.
I always thought of body hair as an extension of a person's sexuality. Shaved women just look incomplete to me. If you have a big bush, hairy pits, leg hair and are brunette as well, I'd love to see you.
Exactly, it adds that missing animalistic, primal element to our otherwise very sanitized bodies.
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a little chubby is nice sometimes.
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You uncultured fag, tattoos and hair make a girl a woman, they are as natural as hair, we've been doing them for millennia, they are more human than you are.
Perfect hangers who is this
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More flashing armpits
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Post more where the hair is long and hanging down around the pussy lips like that.

There's a really retarded thing nowadays where even the "hairy" girls trim to short length.
Love her scat stuff.
Irina Demre

Liara Roux

Sophia Loren
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you reminded me of one of my favorite vintage models
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Agreed. Nothing should ever be trimmed. After all, the whole point of growing it out is looking more animalistic and primal.
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I love pussy hair spreading to inner thighs like that.
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looks a lot like my wife, here's her hairy ass
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Me too, I just hate when it suddenly stops because they feel like they have to shave their legs. I love a natural transition from pussy hair to inner thigh hair.
>tattoos as natural as hair
no one is actually this stupid... right?
>they are as natural as hair,
You're joking, right? You can't be this retarded, right?
im not who you responded to, but i like hairy & tattood. to me, adding to your body adds character and beauty (if well done), versus removing the hair that grows naturally.
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You're replying to a troll in case that wasn't obvious.
No. Adding permanent blemishes to someone's body doesn't add "character" and enhances nothing. Tattoos are borderline self-mutilation and the sign of a narcissist.
The whole point of getting tattooed is to draw attention to it. Always. People who get them care so much about drawing attention to themselves that they will add permanent blemishes their body to achieve that goal. That's called narcissism. So all it does is make you look like a degenerate and a narcissist.

Someone who leaves their body in it's purest state, doesn't get tattoos and doesn't shave shows that they honor the temple that is their body, the way it came into this world, the way it's been made to attract the opposite sex.
Which if you ask me, is a very attractive quality. It has an innocence to it that just gets lost if people ruin their bodies with tattoos. So no tattoos are definitely preferred. I can tolerate them, but that doesn't mean I like them.
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By the way, "becoming hairy" doesn't mean you're adding to your body. That's an entirely wrong way of looking at it. Becoming hairy means letting your body express itself the way it wants naturally. In fact becoming hairy shouldn't even a conscious choice people have to make. It's just that we live in a perverted society where somehow, the abnormal (shaved) has become the new normal.
By not shaving, you're just allowing your body to become normal again. You're not adding anything that wasn't there before. Getting tattooed on the other hand is a CONSCIOUS choice to permanently defile your pure body with foreign material that wasn't there before.
most men don't like hairy women, don't kid yourself, only one's that do, are closet fags
Literally why are you here
What sparked your curiosity to even click on this thread
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i get where youre coming from, i just think its hot haha. this is basically perfection
my curiosity was to find out what guys talk about hairy women. I do not like hairy women at all.
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Exactly, you came here because you were curious.
You were curious because what you see contradicts what society has taught you a woman looks like. Except, it evidently is what women look like, in their purest, most sexually mature state. In the end body hair is just a reminder of our primitive roots, an extension of a person's sexuality, meant to attract the opposite sex.

You won't be able to stop thinking about hairy women now. And that's fine, you can let it happen. This is a culture shock to most people at first, but after a while you realize that it feels instinctively right. No matter how civilized we think we are, we're still primitive animals with innate primitive urges who reproduce sexually, so there's no point in denying the primitive and animalistic side of you, because it will never go away.
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wtf are you rambling about? Lemme check - hm, nop, still don't like hairy women
If you can't even be bothered to read, just shut the fuck up.
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these are fucked up.

can't see how people like them

the image is so huge, you have to scroll down, with the top half being a hairy vagina/ armpits, which is good, and the lower half being the body of a man, not good
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>the image is so huge, you have to scroll down
What kind of a shit browser do you use? Usually images should scale to your window size.
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I'm proud of ya, anons. Best hairy thread in years.
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A sexy fellow countrywoman from the good old days, where shaving was less common in Europe. Wish I could have experienced it for myself.
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Only incels like hairy women, you are right to keep yourself clean shaven.
Incels hate women in general, why would they make an exception for hairy women.
Because they are much closer to men, obviously.
Hairy women are closer to men? What kind of a retarded conclusion is that.
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I know what anon is trying to say. There is a simple attribute in common with incels and those who loathe female body hair. Objectively incorrect, skewed perception of womanhood. So, in the warped mind of someone who hates female body hair, incels hate "real women" (women who alter the natural state of their hair) and incels like hairy women, because just like incels, they have a skewed perception of women and project it into their argument. Just like incels, they think that only women who change themselves to be less like what a woman naturally is, is a real woman.
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid shit?
Exactly, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that not shaving makes a woman less womanly.
If anything, hairy women are as close to the real deal as you can get. It doesn't get more womanly, than a woman who doesn't remove the hair that is literally growing on her own body and acts as a visual indicator of her sexuality.
Real men understand the appeal of hair on women. Especially the most simple reasonable part, public hair.
I love this girl
He's talking about California laws that dictate you must prove any girl you are thinking about is over 18, and tattoos are generally only allowed for 18+ people so to them it proves they are not committing wrongthink and thoughtcrime by being aroused by this particular whore
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Not that anon but it's not as if tattoos are supernatural. Everything is natural. A hermit crab's shell is not grown by its body. It's adopted by the animal. That doesn't make it any less natural. A poison dart frog is not poisonous when it eats different things in a different environment. Bearded vultures literally use makeup. Just because an animal has managed to employ a tool to do something doesn't put that animal outside nature. It just uses something from outside its personal biology.
Whether tattoos are "natural" is not even the point. Tattoos foreign objects that people put on their bodies, so we don't instinctively respond to them the way we do to body hair. Your preference for tattoos is something you picked up along the way, while the preference for body hair is something primal that comes from within.
Know her IRL, figured youd enjoy
After looking at this thread, I have to thank the guy who invented the razor what a great invention I didn't know how important it was until now
That's fine anon. Nobody forces you to be heterosexual.
Humans are not fucking dolphins. You're either into kids or you have no clue what adults look like down there.
indicates maturity and fertility. Hairy girls are extremely fertile.
As is your preference for makeup, maintained hair, etc. I dunno why you're not sperging over that either.
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Firstly, I don't have a preference for make-up. In fact I think most women look better without it, because it does take away some of that purity aspect that I find highly attractive.

It's a double edged sword really. In some cases it can make women appear prettier, but not because they applied a foreign substance to their face. The purpose of make-up is to pronounce features that are already present, such as making lips appear more red, making the eyes more pronounced, etc. Whereas tattoos enhance nothing, they always look out of place.
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when you have to rely on a strawman that assumes what someone else likes, that's when you know you've lost the argument.
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Penny ArcadeXO
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My gf
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Lol, how is body hair not feminine if females grow it? Just say you never seen a naked girl in real life.
>Firstly, I don't have a preference for make-up.
You're not sperging over it like with tattoos. That suggests you consider them differently.

>The purpose of make-up is to pronounce features that are already present [...] Whereas tattoos enhance nothing, they always look out of place
You're coping. Literally no one has angular eyebrows like in your picture, nor do they have wingtipped eyes. Why post a picture with such unnatural and out of place features?

I'm judging someone based on their actions, rather than what they say. You need to reread the sticky on /pol/ if you think that's a strawman.
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Everyone draws their line of "natural" somewhere. You don't really see anons in these threads who will just accept the full range of biological femininity. Even Phoenixfloe, a woman with abundant chest hair without hormone imbalances, tends to shave her facial hair. So, that is a line that she often draws for herself.
I like facial hair as long as it's not a thick full beard so that she actually looks like a dude. Mustache, sideburns, and neck hair are fine and she can always shave it if needed anyway.
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>Literally no one has angular eyebrows like in your picture
Well, but she clearly has eyebrows, right? God, you're stupid.

Other anon was right, you have to rely on a strawman because you're too pathetic to admit you've been destroyed by logic and reason. Nobody here is attacking you for your tattoo fetish. But saying it's a attractive for the same reason as body hair is just plain retarded.
Are you seriously implying this troglodyte is within the range of "biological femininity"? Because that person clearly has a rare condition. Besides, that person would be ugly, even if she shaved. You're creating another strawman. Body hair serves an enhancer, or rather an extension of a person's sexual potential. It doesn't enhance anything if the person has no base attractivity to begin with.
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Dude no one cares.
Not necessarily, some women just don't grow pubic hair that long
>can only get aroused by women who regularly put a razor to their body
>calls other fags
Most do, and those that claim they don't just don't know it yet.
>only one's that do, are closet fags
Most of your ancestors were closet fags then, so it's amazing that you were born at all.
Or rather, they were conditioned into thinking they're not.
>What do you guys like about hairy women?
is just a fetish it's not the norm at all, as being hairy is a masculine trait, there is a lot of weird fetishes out there and this is just one of them
>is just a fetish
Wrong. You can't fetishize something that is inherently sexual. It's an extension of a person's sexuality.
The appearance of sexual maturity and fertility, same as this anon >>22137891. Hairless is a modern trend but I don't believe it reflects baseline preferences.
this picture is giving me an erection
Its okay bro, some hairy girls make your peepee hard. No one is judging you for it.

There's no need to sperg across multiple threads about how its not actually a fetish and you're actually special for liking women in their "natural state" (just ignore their clothes, makeup, haircuts or if they cross some arbitrary threshold of natural hairiness you personally don't like).
It's such a shame that she died.
And she will only be remember for being a hairy as fuck whore
you guys like fucking gorillas or smthing?
No, but your dad apparently does because he married your mother.

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