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[s4s] - Sh*t 4chan Says

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If the moderation of 4chan weren't shitlib leftoid infiltrators, this would be global rule #3 and #6 of 4chan.
/pol/ is a cancer tumor of 4chan, quite different from "heart and soul"
Without /pol/, 4chan would be no different from any other normie NPC congregation site.
you are new and it is showing
this and always has been an anime website your containment chamber board doesn't mean shit sadly anime cultutre was infiltratrd with irl politics because racist americans are afraid of anything asian post covid in the last few years.
>this and always has been an anime website
So what? /pol/ grew organically as the website developed in the womb to become the heart of 4chan.
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the function of a heart is to pump blood (ie, useful things) to the rest of the body

if you act like /pol/ on any board that isn't /pol/, you will be told to go back to /pol/

so /pol/ is kind of like a disease, or virus, if you will

Your fortune: Outlook good
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>the function of a heart is to pump blood (ie, useful things) to the rest of the body
And that's what /pol/ does. Accussing us of being invaders is like accusing a heart of invading the body with the blood it pumps.
>if you act like /pol/ on any board that isn't /pol/, you will be told to go back to /pol/
By Reddit invaders.
its very interesting when someone who has only ever heard about 4chan(nel) through secondhand sources tries posting for the first time. you can tell they weren't sure where to post this until they found the board titled "shit 4chan says" and figured this was the right place without even bothering to look at any other threads.

Your fortune: Good Luck
You pump hate and sow ignorance, insecurity and malice. You are a cancer and one that will be cut out.
I posted this on other boards on the site first.
attention whore
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>You pump hate
Otto Von Bismark once said "I have spent the whole night hating". A hateful mind is a healthy mind as hate is the emotion that provides the most aid to the will to power.
Calling our hate facts ignorance does not make it so.
In other words, opening the eyes of our fellow whites to the threat we are under.
The only malice here is in you Reddit invaders who seek to destroy all basedness because you tolerant leftists can't tolerate even the possibility of basedness.
Quit your shitty astroturf you groomer creep go back to your containment board. You will never be happy if you blindly hate.
>You will never be happy if you blindly hate.
Happiness is overrated. The drive of humanity is the Will to Power as Nietzsche said, not the Will to Pleasure as that degenerate kike Freud said.
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do u need a hug?
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>Happiness is overrated
Cope harder please. You're just so pathetic in your waking life that you can only find it through belittling others to make your fragile ego feel stronger. No one made you feel special in your life so you have to do it by lashing out in bigotry and dehumanization. Work on your self and abandoned the superiority complex that's the only thing keeping you from krilling yourself
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>superiority complex
You have slave mentality, exalting feeling of inferiority (the root cause of all leftist thought) as a mark of moral superiority.
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Cringe gaslight attempt you can't tell me what I think
german philosophy in all its forms is the western equivalent of eighth grader syndrome
>/pol/ is the heart and soul of 4chan
as someone who posts on blue boards, i can say this is a lie.. most blue boards talk down to /pol/ users, bullying them to go back to their shitty little containment boards..
that said, there are in fact some boards (red and blue) where /pol/ is indeed dominantly its culture
/pol/ is literally on the same tier as Twitter and Reddit.. as a matter a fact, that what (used to) set this site aside from normie sites was its emphasis on anime, which is now not true anymore since anime is mainstream now..
at the very least here we talk about obscure anime and weeb culture things while on Reddit and Twitter they talk about whatever is trending on MAL
>>11611288 (checking my own dubs)
i don't know why i quoted "weren't" i probably accidentally had it selected with my mouse
>Reddit invaders talk down to /pol/ users
Fixed that for you.
Fuck yourself, fucking faggot.

esfoures is not even moderated. the worst board of 4chan, faggots here are so fucking retarded that they reply to spamming bots.
i can't believe how insistingly stupid you are
if this is a larp 10/10, you really got me mad
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Who are you quoting?
if this is not a larp you are mostly just trying to convince newfigs that being the worst cancer of 4chan is the way to go and the way it always was, so either way you are full of shit
>newfig instead of newfag
Afraid of offending AIDS ridden degenerates?
over here on [s4s] it's called newfig as a joke because this is nice board.. you don't understand the joke because you're not in on it, because you're not a part of the in-crowd..
not our fault you're a normie
? But it’s already like this lole
And it’s all your guys fault xd
Fr*ck off?!
Dubs! Imagine being this high on pol to make a thread like this lol
imagine being so new you didn't realize /pol/ wasn't added until 2011, the better part of a decade into the site's history, where it would bring droves of election tourist newfags (i'd say this included you OP I'm guessing you didn't even get here until years after that), a herd of mindless normie facebook comment section rejects who all but erased the true and original 4chan culture replacing it with the stalest memes known to the internet, now to be co-opted by every tiktokking twitch chatting edgelord wannabe tween with less than two neurons to rub between them all, just to act like you're part of some cool kids club when in reality those kids all left years ago, any remaining hint of fun and whimsical community they once formed drowned out by your lot's incessant and inane blithering. except for the very few of us true and dedicated memers who were determined to hold on to our last bastion, on [s4s]. to hold on to this tiny sliver of the glory and lulz we once had. And now you've tracked us here to continue yapping about how really you are the cool and based ones, all the while treating this beautiful noble and nice board like your sewage dump. go swallow glass shards you absolute insufferable poser
So true. This is an actual fellow oldfig.
what the fuck are you saying? s4s is a disgrace a complete contention board for absolute imbecile retarded baboons.
also fuck yourself, fucking faggot
r u from india
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>r u from india

im a proud retarded baboon then, just leave this place, is clearly not for you

Thought of adding bant but they're too good for you teen.You should probably just stop posting anywhere if I'm being honest.
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so true!!! 1488 guys, i miss hitler, ban all negroes
summer moment, sage.

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