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So, why exactly do more than 40 percent of trans people commit suicide? I thought transitioning would make them happy! it's almost as if they realized they made an irreversible change to their body and reputation.

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
this isn't a rage comic picture so you're a cringe normalfag sorry

Your fortune: Godly Luck
man alright look I used to suck dick until some dumb nigger I sucked off from Craigslist gave me herpes. I can't suck dick anymore and it's driving me insane!
being truthful is nice, lying or not telling the truth is ebil
You try existing in a society that's been fed horrible propaganda about your gender, race, sexuality or mental health. Where you never know if even your family doctor or dentist is out to get you, if the hair stylists going to ruin your hair on purpose or if someones spitting in your food because of whats propogated about a minority Check your privilege
Yea or they might rub there balls on there food.
go suck a fucking cock you enormous faggot
U mad?
>why do they commit suicide if transitioning makes them happy?
because they didn't transition
>40% (inaccurate number btw)
also don't let me bring up the cis male suicide rate.. answer me why 80% of all suicide is done by cis men if being a man is supposed to be soooo much greater than becoming a women..
it seems to me that obviously the data supports the idea that not transitioning from male to female leads to suicide
go dilate you're not a woman, you're a failure of a man. simple as
and that my brethren, is statistically the root cause of male suicide
that's the same percentage as normal people

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
it's a mental illness, fact most trans well grow out of it if they simply get the real help they need, instead of being manipulated into sterilizing themselves and dismembering their own bodies.
Modern psychiatric practices actually put the individual on hormones. Same with "sad" people who they just put on Zoloft or abilify

Psychiatry is a joke.
cool post kevin
I'll offer you a stifled chuckle because he blogged about abilify constantly
what's with the fixation on srs? does all that talk about girlcock just fly under these people's radar?
it's not even a good troll, i guarantee you none of the trannies here recognize themselves in axe wound jokes
that stat isn't actual suicide rate it's percentage of a sample group that reported having had suicidal thoughts/ideation, it's one of the most misquoted stats ever, anyways what human being hasn't imagined what it's like to commit suicide at least once
ikr, imagine posting here and not having suicidal thoughts like some kinda normie who uses the phrase "i'm high on life" to sound quirky
people like that piss me off btw
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reminder that Chris has gf and you do not
I should start downloading your vocaroos and uploading them onto Youtube

Catfish clips rearranged to one of those spread autism awareness videos would go hard no joke. That or a multitude of songs. Maybe a 4 hour review of Gone with the Wind. The man has some serious content on the vocaroos at this point.
No it isn't
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it's almost like you should address the actual underlying mental problems first before you resort to the most extreme option possible.
people that have actual clinical gender dysphoria have been told for years before all this shit that gender reassignment surgery and hormones should be the very last option only if every other solution doesn't work. the only reason we immediately chop off fake mentally-ill kid's tits now is because of the parent's political incentive and the medical industry's financial incentive.
it's not about the real and fake trans fuckers, it's about everyone else that can benefit off making them suffer.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>actual clinical gender dysphoria
No they don't, but this is a practice that has less than a 30% replication rate so there is that.
> gender reassignment surgery and hormones should be the very last option only if every other solution doesn't work
No that is actually mutilating the ill for profit after you've stolen money from them in all the other ways. Pretty impressively sick such a sacrifice ritual is legal.
>the only reason we immediately chop off fake mentally-ill kid's tits now is because of the parent's political incentive and the medical industry's financial incentive.
it's not about the real and fake trans fuckers, it's about everyone else that can benefit off making them suffer.
You've almost got it, that logic is the correct logic only it starts sooner. People should be mentally helped to accept the gender they are instead of hurting and killing themselves, that would be how it worked if their wasn't this whole population control thing going on.
We should sort fags and dykes by whether or not they'd get pregnant if raped then either kill them or imprison them and force them to give birth untill they die
yes it is.. whenever we talk about "male suicide" we always talk about topics like manhood and burden and feeling not good enough.. you setting a standard and calling me a "failed man" LITERALLY is the cause of suicide
kill yourself faggot
because you wont stop bullying them
Men who succumb to societal pressure or the false notion they need to be "men" are already lost. There's something more important than your cock or posturing of being an "alpha" male. and it's inside of your head

How many men actually focus on their most important muscle..the brain. Feed it. Nurture it. It's far more important than abs of muscular arms.
Trannies kill themselves because they realize what a huge mistake they've made and how their parents were right all along. You wouldn't know this because you've never been through it and are very naive. Having to face such a reality is too much for them so they view suicide as an easier option. I know of this because I've read many stories about it. It happens a lot.
thanks, Catfish for agreeing with me but just wording my point better..
i do believe that if we all started value our mind over body, depression could decrease although it won't disappear immediately
trannies who kill themselves usually do BEFORE transitioning.. why are you so fucking retarded that you can't see that?
also you're responding to my post about male suicide, not my post about trans suicide.. i know you know that you know who you're arguing with, but please stay on the fucking topic...
if everything you say about trans suicide is "true" then explain male suicide.. how many times (i think this is the third or fourth) do i have to ask this simple question?
explain why cis-male suicide is higher than trans suicide
Depression is the end cause of us having higher brain formations. Indeed the smarter an individual is the more liable theyre to suffer from depression

Sociopaths and empty individuals don't feel depression like we might. Everyone with a soul feels sallow or down at times, but depression on a profound level is often found mostly in writers, comedians and philosophers. Which makes sense as these occupations are focused on making sense out of a nonsensical existence

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