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im so sick and horny
i want old disgusting men to rape me violently and kill me in front of everypone that hates me ,, as for the people that love me mmmmme they will cry a wish of saving the bunny ,,, , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,
its hopeless
u all are on an imageboard and dont know where i currently live
id want them to kidnap me for a few days as everyone watches and be powerless
nobody can save me,,
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fight my champion
i just want to see your vagina already
well my girlfriend and magick know but its still true bc how can u locate the exact whereabouts

such a wonderful dream to have
kidnapped, raped and killed..
thas... romantic, , ,r
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i just puked kratom nd had a trillion body zaps randomly
im just a bunny u know
its supposed to be a little secret but
when i visit my girlfriend and live with her, not a larp, i will be killed by her eventually,, and also treated as a pet and in a cage as i agreed to! so eitherways, the path of getting kidnapped, raped and killed is inevitable
she'll post my lifeless cum covered body when it happens so nobody wil miss out on that!!
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i canmt go back on things,, and i rly dont mind things like this, even if im not sick and fully lucid.. i dont mind,, <3
as her daughter, ill do my best! iv ebeen too disobedient right? thats why! i think getting killed by her is fair,, she'll probably choke me to death while going plap plap
are all these different posters alternate identities of wish or what
what is wsh
can't tell if you didn't get enough attention as a kid or if you got too much of the wrong kind... maybe both
Shut in syndrome

I'm a loser too but Wish actually has seemingly broke from reality. They larp at doing psychedelics yet having BPD and anxiety issues(yea u don't do psyches when you have anxiety) also the whole shit about cutting for daddy and sitting on discord all day

No offense to the guy but any sane person would flee if they observed these behaviors
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hi guys look at this funny dog
wish is rly cute behavior and i like when she posts
think he mentioned being raped when he was 8
dunno if it's actually true or just a larp
This is Freudian bullshit to me but it's a literal fact that male rape victims end up becoming trans, suffering from hypersexuality or indulging in drugs or risky behaviors

My aunt molested me when I was 12 and now I got a slew of fucked up personality traits. But suppose I was lucky. Being fucked in the ass as a child is such a gruesome prospect I wouldn't judge a rape victim for abusing drugs or losing touch with reality
>it's a literal fact that male rape victims end up becoming trans
i like making up facts on the internet ! reality can be whatever i say it is !!!!!
I think that boys get possessed when they say no to women or cry
that's what does it, not the thing which made them cry
Im lucky i came out with all the regular convictions and im not stupid
Im not lucky that women try to give me shit I don't like
Aren't you that gay retard whose sole personality trait is being a faggot? My brain gets foggy but my memory is incredible

I find it amusing that you're one of those terminally "I'm gay" characters yet take onus with what I said hah

...I don't understand
Read it again
i think i mentioned being gay once in the last 6 months. also you don't know what onus means
secure trips please.


Your fortune: Good Luck
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a loser too but Wish actually has seemingly broke from reality. They larp at doing psychedeli stopped reading go ack simce ur that broke from reality, two images and still so so broke from it, delusional freak suck my dick
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Goo goo gaa gaa u dont do psych when u have anxiety
just cuz ur a big fat crybaby doesnt mean u dont do that
psychs dont cause anxiety unless ur a horrible person in general (cts :)
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i had a bad trip and still having hppd for days now
do i regret it? no. i learned that im not really going to be better than the past thats all.
Bpd ruined everything, everything
oh well i guess
better try next time _game over~!
You're lashing out at me like that autist does now

Maybe there's a underlying theme here where people don't like being faced with reality hahahah

I know I'm ugly. That I'm an alcoholic. Do you realize what you are??? Or so you run from it
Oh baby girl don't start with me
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at least
my partner is still with me and is very proud of how rapidly im changing
im not evil in a disgusting way anymore
i think of people as human now
and not toys
thats the sad part though
ive always thought theyre human
i dont know what i was doing
old screenshot of a few months ago where i unironically believed i didnt deserve her psychotic break towards me,,
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what the fuck ur still tlaking about reality when u still think i larp about psychs, dont talk to me
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i dont larp about many things and its why im just me
I just think you're a bird-legged larper and you still haven't convinced me otherwise. In fact your posting history betrays you because you come across like a molested 12 year old who just has an idea of what's cool lol

Don't like it? Filter me bitch
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i dont filter
i was molested yea but it was fun
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i lack the energy to proof anything any further really
Again saying shit like this is why I believe nothing you say. No sane person says "I enjoyed being raped"

You're a lie. A farce. A joke, really. Maybe creepy groomers will flirt with you but that's about it "lady"
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im suddrnly getting really tired
but i had a nightmare from the nap
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i literally have a fetish for getting kidnapped, raped and killed
this thread is making me dizzy and not the good kind. without the trips i am just spinning in the whirlpool. i don't think i'll ever be a good gamer.
i don't even know which personality is posting.
there's so many.

i should "rage quit".



Your fortune: Godly Luck
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when i figure out the exact number of personalities that i have ill tell u
Because you have a defunct brain. If you felt my hands on your throat as I tore your hole apart you wouldn't find it hot.

I have fantasies of being raped by women, or them drinking my blood but I can handle it. You?? Ahahahhh

I could literally snap your wrist with a twist of my hand. And no...it's not "hot"
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If you felt my hands on your throat as I tore your hole apart you wouldn't find it hot.
thats so hot
>I could literally snap your wrist with a twist of my hand.
hhhhwbbahsbwb >_< >////////////< !!!!!
that would be nice. ty.


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Please take your ERP back to discord
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please take me back
Do you have a penis or a vagina
i think ill cut to wake up
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im a bunnu
ugh you're such a stupid freak, most exhausting and cringe personality i've ever seen in my life
why all of that for, you could have had a better life

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