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i looked everywhere!
i stumbled on some of them...

truth be told, i was making an attempt to leave for good.

after you continuing to posting sexually with/about other posters, plus the fact that you've left me longer on the mutiny than i was even on the boat with you, i just felt so numb and frustrated at that point, that i up and left at maybe june 7th, never looked at wuhpop since then.

I feel like I need to just focus on my creative endeavors, instead of wasting more of my life trying to please someone who wont accept me no matter how hard I try to change!

that's just how I felt the past month anyways... maybe you can dissuade me, but i get no impression at all that you think I'm anything but a clingy /r9k/ freak who isn't masculine enough, screams as you every time we talk, is incapable of changing myself or taking accountability and is single handedly responsible for everything bad that happened between us, and that i should just shut up and post tired /wpop/ memes for the rest of time and never attempt to be close friends with you agian.
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wooow. so coldhearted! to think you were actually there, but just watching from a distance. :( spooky..

i can’t complain, it’s probably like less than the bare minimum of what i deserve..

not gonna lie. i was getting frustrated with some of the loops it felt like we were stuck in, resentment over certain things.. it just felt like it wouldn’t ever actually go back to the good ol lighthearted times.

ofc, once you actually disappeared for a while i started to worry, get sad, and miss you. so im really happy to hear you’ve been keeping busy and productive. i’d love to hear what you have planned for your projects later on!

however on a really good note, i think some of the biggest misunderstandings between us can be explained a little better now.

i want you to think back to all the times i ghosted you or didn’t reply very actively and all the problems that caused.

and i want you to remember what i told you i’ve been learning about my ADHD.

okay. so. now, considering all that, i need you to watch this video for literally the first 2 and half minutes, that’s the most important part.


i’ve literally never had someone articulate how my brain works so well before, it’s kinda scary. i feel like once you understand, i wasn’t trying to be mean, or uncaring, it’s literally just something i struggle with :( maybe you will be able to finally forgive me and work with me on it?

please tell me what you think after watching!
i understand and feel for you...

sorry if i felt harsh, just had to set like an establishing post to show where i was at last month, y'know..

i'm very willing to work through things... JUST as long as i don't have to go through another DAY of public humiliation at the hands of zeep, which honestly, felt very common sense that you wouldn't cooperate with me on this one thing...

but that's history.

at least it could be...

wanna know where I am as I type this?
on vacation! at an Air B&B! just like i was on new years 2023, which was around the BEGINNING of this big abandonment phase for me

it feels right that the stars liked up for this, right? maybe this would be the perfect moment to close this chapter so I can finally move on?

All I wish to emphasize, is that it will require effort on your end too..
*chills in mini-bed*

i resent so much that so much of our history has been like this...
that doesn't mean you aren't uniquely beautiful and special to me that no one else has managed to compete
hope your 4th is going well, friend
need rest. good night, will return.
i trust you to return here and write a response
yes!! no worries, i had to sleep for work anyway. c:
all the best friendships or relationships have highs and lows. im just glad we both atleast attempt to communicate our feelings.

hope your 4th was fun!!! i bought a pack of crappy fireworks that were essentially glorified sparklers. -_- i was hoping for some mortars but oh well!
thank you. does that help explain? it’s literally just like a mental block i get sometimes..

also on the zeep thing really quick, maybe im like terribly unobservant but it felt like he disappeared for a while too when you stopped posting.

has the vacay been nice so far? how’s the air bnb? i guess it is pretty fitting for us to reunite right now. but yeah, now that we both are being more understanding of each other i will definitely make more of an effort and i won’t force you to talk in *that* thread.
>thank you. does that help explain? it’s literally just like a mental block i get sometimes..
I totally understand.

really, my big complaint is that from my position, it's impossible for me to determine whether it's juust plain bad feelings, or if it's you actively repsonding to something i've said or done and punishing me for it.

like, of all the methods you used to "look everywhere", i noticed the one method you DIDN'T use is attempt adding me by the discord number i shared. "like c'mon, couldn't even make a little risk?" i OVER-think things like that and it makes me feel bad too, especially since these paranoid thoughts get vindicated by things you do time and time again.

and yet no matter what happens i keep reverting to idolizing you and wanting to hug you for hours on end, oh well :upside_down_smiling_face:

4th was quite nice. this house is very nice, has a pool which brought back memories of when my LAST house had a pool. did get to see some 'works in the distance
*huddles with you in our sheets as we take turns playing Katamari Damacy for a bit before we head out*
tried a chicago style pizza for the first time last night. it was good.
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ahhhhhhh! you rolled my katamari!
>”my big complaint is that from my position, it's impossible for me to determine whether it's juust plain bad feelings, or..”
absolutely. from now on i have to communicate my feelings and intentions better, like, “hey maybe im having a hard time with responding, but im not mad”. or if i am mad about something, explain why instead of avoiding it.
>DIDN'T use is attempt adding me by the discord number i shared. "like c'mon, couldn't even make a little risk?"
i actually did think about that, but i didn’t save the user number, wasn’t it on an sforce thread? i was having trouble finding it.
>especially since these paranoid thoughts get vindicated by things you do time and time again.
sorry.. okay? it took way too long, i know, but im finally starting to understand what a horrible mess i’ve been. :c it was hard to try and fix my problems when i didn’t even understand the source.
>and yet no matter what happens i keep reverting to idolizing you and wanting to hug you for hours on end, oh well
as pessimistic as we feel about things between us sometimes, in our hearts we know we always care about each other and are genuinely interested in everything about them as a person. :)<3 that applies to me too, because i know you know i’ve said not nice things about you not caring for the things i like.
idolizing sounds a little unhealthy.. but it’s very flattering and cute. hugging in our comfy vacation bed all day sounds like an amazing way to start the weekend!
i know you probably hate historical docudramas….. but.
im making you watch the hbo rome series with me.
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ohh heck yeah!? did it feel like too much, or? when i went to chicago, i learned deep dish is apparently mostly for tourists or special occasions and that “reeeaaal” chicago people eat something called tavern style. kinda depressing. deep dish is fun but i can only handle like one slice before im done with it. :<
>idolizing sounds a little unhealthy..
was only being sarcastic. drawing attention to the sin of idolatry lol

i've always felt i could be more measured with my feelings with you since around January this year. really do look forward to us escaping into our safe space without any wuhpop to worry about anymore, just you and I together.
so yeah!

>i actually did think about that, but i didn’t save the user number, wasn’t it on an sforce thread? i was having trouble finding it.
so watcha planning now?
can't wait to start watching your rome show!
people still fight about the merits of deep dish, so I decided to see for myself!

i actually thought the sauce was beneficial, moreso than tomato sauce on REGULAR pizza which usually feels so pointless to me for those (I tend to get Alfredo cheese sauce instead). with this kind of pizza though it actually serves a purpose.
guess I'll have to travel for the real deal though, hm?
>i can only handle like one slice before im done with it.
boy am i glad i only got a 12-inch box
i got the moves baby
you got the motion
if we got together
we'd be causing a commotion
>but i didn’t save the user number, wasn’t it on an sforce thread? i was having trouble finding it.
one really important thing I forgot to mention...

not the most recent one, but the breakdown I had before that, it was because I took it incredibly personally after you didn't add me after saying that you saved my discord number, leaving my thread behind and going right back to posting on wuhpop, and my negative feelings boiled up until I ended up exploding my feelings into a rant before I hid away for a week (reading the archives to catch up to see you saying things like "I don't post here often because 'my past' follows me around" certainly didnt help my feelings of hurt)

i know, I should've just openly asked you if you actually planned on adding me, but I was just so terrified of even revealing myself in those threads that I kept being skeptical, which was not good.

I don't know what else to say. sorry for that move :'(
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-palette cleanser-
omg look what i found... O_O
(unfortunate aspect about me that i keep forgetting every time i go to the arcade, my wrist has a really hard time resting my hands and fingers comfortably on the buttons now :(

still always cool tho. got to play a Tempest machine, and Rampage: World Tour is super fun!!)
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the cursed game!
is it bad that my favorite games in arcades are the goofy first person shooters with clunky plastic guns?
those are so fun!
oh yeah no, you don’t have to apologize, that was a bitch move on my part, and i usually don’t like to stoop to that level of snarkiness. again, i chalk that up to us not entirely understanding each others mental challenges and triggers, so like you would get mad at me for things that i couldn’t always help and vice versa. not that that’s an excuse for my rudeness, so yeah… im sorry too. :(
>tend to get Alfredo cheese sauce instead
woah.. i couldn’t even imagine..
>I'll have to travel for the real deal though, hm?
you must!! millennium park!
>can't wait to start watching your rome show
pshhh, it’ll put you to sleep probably. but that’s okay because then you can’t escape my cuddles.
>so watcha planning now
post the number again! i remember the snoop part :3
>was only being sarcastic. drawing attention to the sin of idolatry lol
stupid me not detecting sarcasm, how embarrassing. don’t mind me. probably just my narcissism, thinking i deserve to be worshiped hehe.
>i remember the snoop part :3
5704 afterwards, no space
also down to watch whatever too, I'll avoid sleeping but always in arms reach anyways!
>probably just my narcissism, thinking i deserve to be worshiped hehe
you do
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don’t be shy, you deserve some worship too >///>
our worship ritual needs to involve fancy scented oils and maybe some hot candle wax (for me, i know pain isn’t really your thing)

oh by the way, any thoughts on brat yet? have you given it a full listen, or? also curious what you think of chappel roan, if you’ve heard any of her stuff yet.
>for me, i know pain isn’t really your thing

[fortune color="#010010" hidden="Well, first off, Brat isn't charli's BEST album, but I've heard it at least 10 times, and it's 100% her most consistently danceable album. one thing that trips me up is that the structure of the LP is a bit sloppy (now knowing Charli saying she doesn't care about albums + A.G. loving albums with 10-tracks, I now am convinced he was responsible for Pop 2's cohesion lol),
but there's no bad song on it. 360 weirded me at first as a single choice, but I grew to appreciate it more, she really crams a LOT of hooks into that song. as for highlights, Club Classics, Everything Is Romantic, & Von Dutch are the closest the album comes to reaching Pop 2' level genius, but the fact that Charli insists on all her songs never being longer than 3 minutes really kneecaps then from being above and beyond. Could maybe go on, but I'd say it's an 8/10, my third favorite release from her (although I have heavy soft-spot favoritism for Number 1 Angel which is my 2nd fave, record just brings back nice memories man...}

(don't ask me my story of trying to get into a Chappell concert :pensive:)

generally, I do think Chap Roan has potential. imo, her best songs are Good Luck Babe, Red Wine Supernova, and After Midnight, mainly because they have such amazing choruses. The rest of her debut is a bit more mixed though. Some songs like Karma and Casual show way too much subconscious Taylor Swift imitation, and I must confess... Femininominon is a dumb word and I don't like how she screams it out like a Sesame Street character. Thankfully Dan Nigro makes the entire album at least sound amazing (WAY more deserving of fame than Jack Antonoff) do love how he turns the song into Talking Heads - Remain in Light for a few seconds on the bridge.

So yeah. I see good things coming from her, even if I hope it goes further up from here"]roIIy poIIy jean[/fortune]
>is it bad that my favorite games in arcades are the goofy first person shooters with clunky plastic guns
how about actual "running around shooting people" activities? like paintball, Lazer tag or something?
tanber holding up fort at my home right now:
yesss, i love it! brat was totally what i expected crash to be. A.G. needs to be involved in everything charli does. it doesn’t touch pop2 ofc, tbf that’s a really hard album to top. i actually like the 3 minute cap idea, only because so many artists make songs unnecessarily long. i agree with 8/10, that’s probably what i would give it too. my favorites were: sympathy is a knife, club classics and everything is romantic!!
only major disagreement is… i would honestly say crash might be more consistently danceable on the whole but not by much comparatively.
how dare they deny the queen of fl entry to the chappel roan concert!! what was their problem? (i have to ask now that you told me not to ^^;)
>Femininominon is a dumb word and I don't like how she screams it out like a Sesame Street character
LMAO you have a point there, it’s kinda cringe in a cute way
>Some songs like Karma and Casual show way too much subconscious Taylor Swift imitation
see, i thought you would like that considering you’re kind of a secret swiftie. i don’t hold that against her because it’s hard to NOT be influenced by taylor in some way if you’re a pop artist right now.
(speaking of, i was a little underwhelmed with ttpd, hbu? it honestly kinda felt like taylor swifts version of preachers daughter, is that a crazy comparison?)
dan nigro… hm. that name seems familiar, i’ll have to look up what all he’s helped produce but, based off the chappy album alone i agree he’s better than jack! antonoff is very much overrated.

anyways, this is my favorite song of hers so far, definitely looking forward to seeing her become a staple of weepop!

also, i love laser tag! paintball seems fun but i’ve always been afraid to try it because getting shot looks like it hurts :c and im a giant wuss when it comes to pain unless im horny

how many times have you listened to vultures now? has it grown on you? i still can’t believe (i can) how badly RYM bashed that album… compared to donda just a few years ago, and donda feels way less cohesive than vultures!!
>actually like the 3 minute cap idea, only because so many artists make songs unnecessarily long

[fortune color="#000000" hidden="I can see the perspective here, but this harkens back to a big debate in film circles on whether plot in movies is really all that important compared to having moments that stick with you, because many modern movies that focus exclusively on plot and pacing are lacking in the elements that make cinema valuable to people. not suggesting that that's what Charlotte is doing here, of course, just think that being given more time for the songs to stick with you on the same level as how almost every song on Pop 2 basically sounds like it's own SUITE.

maybe I'm misdiagnosing the issue anyways, but hey.

>be me
>skip on Olivia tickets with Chappell opener cause seats weren't close enough, and figured I'd see Chapell solo
>time passes, don't buy tickets
>she suddenly explodes and ticket prices SURGE
>decide desperate plan to wait until doors open for last-minute tickets (ticket prices can plummet during this time)
>also want a close spot, however, so wait in line outside for hours
>JUST as the doors open, a ticket FINALLY appears for $80
>add to cart
>Fill in my details
>fill out stupid phone number for veri code for some STUPID reason at the very end
>someone else got my ticket first, carting it didn't even save it for me
>FUCK FUXK FUCK FUCK (I fumed internally just as I was right in front of the guards with hundreds in my general area
>adding insult, try joining people watching from top of parking building (the show was open ceiling) but security says there's a no loitering policy and asks us to leave
>swallow pride and drive all the way home

]visible message[/fortune]
>that considering you’re kind of a secret swiftie
[fortune color="#000000" hidden="Taylor Swift for me is in the same category as the Beatles for me: they both have a handful of works I like and fully understand their place in culture, but they get more than enough praise as is, so I don't really care if they get knocked down a peg

I heard TTPD twice (will listen more for my project). sounded like Midnights b-sides (an album i would actually defend, minus some bad lyrics on it).

did you know So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings was all Dan Nigro and her?

truth be told
I'm just, fundamentally disinterested in Vultures, what it represents in his discography. vulgar club music for the Miami redpill crowd where this 46 year old man shouts lines like "big titty butt naked women don't come out the sky!!" 5000 times plus occasional gospel posturing is not what he needs to be making.

but even just past that, there ARE some musical moments that have that evil Beethoven energy, but gosh, I'm just sick of these pseudo-Satie piano instrumentals he keeps using now. the vibe it's communicating is just so base and uncompelling. and don't talk about Donda being less cohesive, when it's arguably the only record of his that has a fully realized narrative arc!
"]visible message[/fortune] , can put any color hex in the 0's
[fortune color="#000000" hidden="groaaaans

typing out long posts on phone with drunk parents bothering me..."]visible message[/fortune]
so anyways
this song is an honorable mention for me :)
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oh thank goodness!
was paranoid that you destroyed him. :’)

i know you don’t care about politics that much, are you keeping up with any of that? ohhh i’d love to be a fly on the wall and hear what dad thinks about trump’s criminal convictions. but gosh, things are looking pretty bleak for the democratic side. i don’t know where i stand with biden right now, initially i was all for him getting re-elected. i thought it would be easy, but he’s dropping the ball so effing hard right now, idk anymore! there’s a lot of talk about him maybe dropping out, or an open convention..
i would be even happier if someone like bernie sanders came out of the blue and won, but i have a feeling it won’t be anyone good. i guess literally anyone on the democratic side is better than trump right now.
do you plan on voting this year?
wizard detected


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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i do plan on voting
but it would be much nicer if these leftie larpers would firebomb a Walmart already...
overall not that terribly invested in politics lately, precisely BECAUSE of what you just said, our leaders are a joke and ineffective.
love ya!
same routine if i pass out sleep right now, ok?

(notifications would be so good now...)
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>harkens back to a big debate in film circles on whether plot in movies is really all that important
classic style v. substance argument, a good balance of both is always the best. i dunno though. i usually have a preference of, if you can say, or do something in the least amount of time with the greatest amount of impact, that’s the way to do it. (i should take my own advice the way i ramble sometimes hehe)

there’s no bigger buzzkill than a song, album, or movie that has a great concept, good plot, and an attractive style but drags certain parts on and on way too long. (looking at you tarkovsky and krautrock)
but! on the flip side as long as you can make it engaging, who cares? i love all 17 minutes of sister ray by TVU, or all 3 hours of nashville by altman for example.
omg poor baby, that’s awful...*hugs*
that reminds me of when i got my death grips tickets, literally, the minute the presale started i immediately bought my tickets. not even a whole 2 min later everyone was complaining about the tickets being sold out. fuck scalpers. it’s madness.
atleast next time you try and see her the tickets won’t be so expensive! unless you wait last minute again..!
>Taylor Swift for me is in the same category as the Beatles for me: they both have a handful of works I like and fully understand their place in culture
cashing in on the trends of lesser known musicians and acting like it was their own idea?
>sounded like Midnights b-sides
hit the nail on the head! loool. i do like florida! for some reason. probably just because it has a florence and the machine feature
oh wow he worked a lot with livrod and skye too!
aww that’s too bad… i actually kinda liked vultures. maybe im being too reactionary, but it really turned me off how many people just dismissed the album based on the club music for redpill boomers meme. and because well, yknow, kanye acting crazy as usual.
also i hate the 46 year old man meme because it’s like really? since when is there an age limit on making stupid lyrics? it’s not like kanye was ever some leonard cohen tier lyricist, it’s always been pretty vapid stuff imo. kanye is a goofball and that’s partially why we’ve always loved him!
i also like that he adopted black metal aesthetics, (ignoring the political overtones of that move), and he also started working with one of my favorite fashion designers, gosha rubchinsky!
i think it’s the best thing he’s put out since TLOP tbh.

but hey, don’t get me wrong! you know i love donda, but its a bit of a bloated mess with a bunch of tracks that could be cut and it wouldn’t add or take away anything from the concept of the album. like remote control, or that pop smoke interlude…
are you familiar with the punished snake meme, from metal gear solid? that’s what the vultures arc feels like to me. punished kanye. and im kinda here for it.
encourage them to drink even more so they pass out faster >:3
yay! im glad you still plan on voting. i don’t blame you for tuning the shitshow out. i can’t look away! ;-;
>atleast next time you try and see her the tickets won’t be so expensive! unless you wait last minute again..!
they'll probably be even worse
and i'll have not learned my lesson

>it’s not like kanye was ever some leonard cohen tier lyricist, it’s always been pretty vapid stuff imo.
[fortune color="#005000" hidden="i'm guessing you haven't seen the classic Kanye vs Queen lyrics meme lol

but moreso than things appearing dumb on the surface, it's a matter of there being works of art that are made when you're still passionate and have a vision you want to share with the world, and then there's tossed-off self-indulgence. apparently there's supposed to be 2 more of these, and that's what bothers me the most. Donda 2 showed the rot, but now it's clear he's officially on late-era autopilot mode, and for the first time, it makes me not very interested to see what he does next, even IF the music is good. ]visible message[/fortune]

>yay! im glad you still plan on voting. i don’t blame you for tuning the shitshow out.
wanna hear you talk to me about it before bed every night
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love you too <3
smol platonic goodnight kisses on the lips until we pass out?
put something loud on to drown out these assholes still shooting fireworks -_- hehe
yes ma’am, same routine tomorrow :3
im pretty sweepy too right now!
*scoots as close possible to you under the covers*
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caroline tummy!! ahhhhh! you know what you’re doing lil devil. >///>
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…depends on if you feel like cleaning up the mess we make later…
but the answer is yes. always.
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i made something kinda weird, with one hand some time ago, so click on it here lol
i'll be contributing to the mess right now, so yes i can clean
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forgot link
info is no longer available.. sadness :c
mmm, im intrigued now.
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is this the right link? this time there’s nowhere to put the password, just an option to burn the secret? o-o
ahhh screw it
[fortune color="#005000" hidden="
]visible message[/fortune]
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you don't know what morning goons to her you're missing
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the b-52ooIys
subway girl
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hey hey hey!

(can’t stop listening to this! so excited for the full album omg)

she’s very pretty.. just a little too vanilla maybe?
gangsta bill
the cooly of billehs
talking heads but good
quirky queen. i love to see it.
billie definitely wears the pants
ugh she’s too perf
(haven’t actually listened to hit me hard and soft yet ;o-o) lunch was good though!

heading back home yet?
it took me a year to realize this and the album has faults but this is genuinely one of the greatest songs ever recorded. the horns coming in at 2:27 after the first guitar solo is literally so genius

oh, need me to me home, hm!

Billie's latest was quite decent. Birds of a Feather came on earlier today actually, caught me so good, such a beautiful song. L'amour is pretty sweet too
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POV: you having DINNER with me
cool dubs!!!!!
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can't believe the drumpf mugshot was almost 1 yearr ago

forgot to mention i heard this song for the first time in the car earlier today. i share your excitement very much so :))
[fortune color="#005010" hidden="
have you seen these threads i make?

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at a retro store now

just remembered my promise that if you re-added me I would buy a copy Metroid Fusion :)
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two same numbers!
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The dude look like he took too much drug his body become thinner
last full day here, feel like i blew it :(
wasted so much time driving out alone due to poor planning, and all I did was thrift around and see 2 of 3 planned movies (why not just wait until home, buddy)
guess it's not always parents to blame whenever something doesn't go great lol
ni ni likely, then
Retarded thread
that candy looks like a set of anal sphincters
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back home now
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i just wanna spend the night
sleepin in your bed tonight
and watch a little tv
i love it when you need me
[fortune color="#010010" hidden="

maybe you remember me posting clips of Steven Spielberg's A.I. in the past, maybe you don't, oh well it doesn't really matter

parents haven't seen that movie tonight, so that's what i got them to watch. movie ended up hitting particularly harder for me this time, god... :')

want to write an essay sometime about how Hannah Diamond's Reflections bears so much similarities to the themes, emotions and narrative of the film...

"]we'll never be lonely inside my mind...[/fortune]
hope you've been ok
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just made it to 60% of a 200-page book. it took me 6 hours of being in a library.

how do book-readers do it so well :head_bandage:
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ok 70% but still self-conscious about my ability

(we need a chat on music history books one day btw!)
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sleep, perhaps
my last big drive was 2 and a half hours
it felt like 30 minutes
crazy how things changed from when i was being drove long trips as a kid and it always felt like torture!
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gangsta billie going on chicken shop date
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she looks like sam hyde
what if billie's so cool she wants to die
>>11620533 dubs
>>11620544 dubs
>>11622088 dubs
>>11622477 dubs
>>11622499 dubs
>>11622666 trubs
>>11623511 dubs
>>11628566 dubs
>>11630922 dubs
>>11631300 dubs
>>11631377 dubs
>>11631944 dubs
tjhank you
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my phone's at 4%
and NOW my parents are freaking hungry on the way home and wanna stop somewhere -_-
i am now the "we have food at home" person
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wanna cry, wanna die
go 2 gore thread
no not like that
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cute boy
like, yeah'ch over & under
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P is the e
ahhhhhhh! you rolled my katamari!
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my pal's name is foot foot (foot foot)
he always likes to roam
my pal's name is foot foot (foot foot)
i never find him home

i go to his house
knock at his door
people come out and say
foot foot don't live here no more

my pal foot foot (foot foot)
always likes to roam
my pal foot foot (foot foot)
now he has no home

where will foot foot go
what will foot foot do
oh, foot foot
i wish i could find you

i've looked here, i've looked there
i've looked everywhere
oh, foot foot
why can't i find you?

foot foot, where can you be?
foot foot, why won't you answer me?
foot foot, oh, foot foot
wherever you are
i want you to come home with me

i don't have time to roam
i have things to do
i have to go home
oh, foot foot, where are you?

if foot foot didn't like to roam so well
he would still have a place to dwell
foot foot, please answer me
i know where you are
you're behind that tree

foot foot, please come to me
foot foot, now that you're here
won't you come home
foot foot, promise me this
that you will never again roam
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ni ni, dear


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