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it has dawned on me, I am everything but anything desirable to society (you)
I am currently figuring out, is it better to be belittled or ignored?
however having your very own thoughts and feelings used against you is a fate worse than death
it’s so much fun being painted green with envy seeing others have what you lack
excuse me, your vaginer is showing.
congratulations on the worlds least sentient "epiphany"
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it was intentional I need attention :l
yes thank you for giving me the invalidation i expect
hah *de-lewds*
I haven’t even been in the mood to draw pr0n anymoar :c
talk about creative erectile dysfunction
ermmmm actually everybody is made in the image of God so everybody has the same value... Deal with it *puts on epic sunglasses* B)
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if im the same value as anyone else why did I have to hangout in the bathroom while everyone else got to sit at the tables with their friends during lunch lole
why do I have to watch others walk the same path as me but with other people to enjoy the view with :) riddle me that epic one
Because the world is not fair and cruel and we are sinners but fundamentally we are human beings made in the image of God therefore we all have the same value
yeah true we’re all worthless and this stupid shit laden world can hurry up and implode on itself before I fucking lose it myself
ermmmm actually God loves everyone and we are incredibly valuable so valuable and so loved that God himself limited himself and became a human who lived a sinless life, taught amazing ethical genius teachings, performed miracles, died loving and forgiving his enemies, and rose from the dead 3 days later promising eternal life to everyone who puts their faith and trust in him because he died as a sacrifice to mediate us to God. *Puts on epic sunglasses again* B)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
im glad you still got it in you because they wrought all that bullshit out of me
your fortune is telling
Life is pathetic

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
its reality not something you can beat out of someone B)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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u dnt like to draw bakgrounds or scenery?? me neither!
Y not just watch boondocks or smthn ya coon
well when reality becomes a means to hold back tears from breaking down every fucking moment those things don’t matter as much
idk just been tryna get the character in the correct proportions and I can’t say I’ve been inspired to come up w those things either

Your fortune: Average Luck
because I’m already surrounded by niggers here you fucking darkie
this is why I don’t check fortune with my shit luck
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know whatcha mean bruhva, all I been had since I was a little nut w/ skin is drawing n doodling. only place that makes sense.
>but i still ain't made myself nuthin up from it
preciate ya mayne
nothing may have ever came about from the art and music I’ve made but at least nobody can tell me shit when I’ve got everything to show for it
watching the world pass you by is a funny feeling knowing you deserve better
You are all full of bullshit.... im here and i want to be your friend for real but you seem more inclined to rot in your own self pity and bitching about it loooooooooooooool
whatever, man. draw her shitting
whatever @u wtf is wrong with you you can’t pay me to draw that shit
you’re like a woman the way ur tryna neg and gaslight me
They know what the fuck they’re doing and im only humoring it because I have nothing else going 4 me
oh but there is something oh so very fucking wrong with me thinking that everyone is the same fucking woman who scorned me that I can’t seem to let go of
Cruel and unusual indeed
this should clear things up for all of you.
I know I know, you've heard it a thousand times.
"I killed him hard, I pulled out his heart and showed it him."
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If it makes you feel any better I am eating cookies w/ milk and I envy those of you who want more for yourself in life and think you deserve it.
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it’s not just for me though so it’s justified
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dis is nice girl
u should be like a animator or a comic drawing artist OP ur really good at that :>
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hey look! this is what you wanted right? You’ve totally gotten to me! wait what? You’re not paying attention to me? Oh… well i suppose things won’t change either way! Haha! Funny! Is it self deprecating when im just stating the facts here? Accepting it is the hard part right? I only think i know better after all that has festered within me! That’s what this website is for right? Making people make a fool of themselves out of everything used against them? I’m laughing too you know! It’s my fault for expecting anything good to have come out of any of this shit, no matter what i have done! And im even more in the wrong for ever listening to myself! At least i know how stupid it would fucking look for me to go running back and pointing fingers at the person who started this bullshit! They’ve done absolutely nothing and it’s all on paper how they have no relation! Look at the paper trail! I’m a shameless fucking disgusting faggot! It’s what i DESERVE1!!1!
checked :d
tyvm but i just don’t know how anything will ever work in my favor, it seems all im able to do is self sabotage.
I have nothing going on for me in my life but drawing and posting on 4chn lole and my social media accounts get no interactions no matter what I’ve ever done xd
I really do wish my life had a point to it
maybe u gotta just make what u want to make (if there's a project u want to do besides just posting drawings)
if you make something really cool like a graphic novel and put it out, that's how you start a career or at least get people to find your stuff because people like reading cool stories with cool drawings and theres like whole places where they talk about it and share them with more people :)
I’ve gone through over 3 different soundclouds worth of music
I have over 444+ posts all within half a year on ig of all oc
I don’t have a story to tell and im honestly way beyond having a career but thanks again 4 ur kind words :^)
I don’t think this world has anything in store for me and never mind people actually caring about anything other than themselves
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im going to make bitter angry jealous faggot who lashes out at everything and anyone my thing like it wasn’t already me in the 1st place!
since nothing good ever happens, how much of a stupid piece of shit do I have to be for them to make it even worse??
get mail bombed
u know the world does have a lot for you if you don't give up on looking for it, sometimes it takes a long time to find and takes luck and courage but if you stop looking then you really won't find it. I think you must have a story becuse everyone does and you're telling it with your art and in posts here on [s4s]. community and friendship are real and are part of what it means to be human so if you feel like you can't experience that with the people around you or like you are being taken advantage of, maybe you should find a new place or new scene and try again. I think if you put care into the world and the people around you, you will feel that care back and that feels super evident to me in a place like [s4s]. I hope you can find that too, here if nowhere else.
do it nigger your words are emptier than me
You anonymous niggers are pathetic
yeah and it amounted to sending cum videos to nurse
Fuck this world
hai zerozerozero
good morning
making it a thing from now on to choose violence
it’s the only answer at this point
too bad so sad is a trope that has never changed in my life and it’s like a running joke at this point
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I am tired of it all and I don’t even care if im not forgiven for lashing out :)
…it has festered alright and that is exactly their intent, trapping you in a corner and fucking prodding yourself against you
and supposedly im the one in the wrong for trying to do the right thing and having normal human emotions, it’s all my fault now ha
the same shit they did to the unibomber and many others like that is happening to me but we’re in a day and age where a fucking pipe bomb is literal childs play
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I’ve fallen victim to yet another case of
let’s draw a girl but say it’s a boy!
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i understand twitter frend
you will win
Could do do a sketch for me pls umm try to draw a woman with large boobies and butt and wide hips wearing a top hat
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luuvvve <3
yeh ok funnily enough I was thinking of drawing some nice boobs but ima go hike 1st tho xd
my heart should NOT be beating the way it does for what it’s beating to lmfao
STAB it *splurt* *splurt*
i fell in love with another fictional character you made...
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if only I had the HEART for that haha lolez :p
everyone is in love with everyone but me
jk I could and would never insinuate that and I appreciate it anyways
love is a terrible curse im trying to fall out of :l like why do I have to feel this way? No fair
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hmm… im low t so I can’t draw women too voluptuous I apologize
feel free to photoshop slash’s top hat on her tho
I don’t have it in me to do anything but schizopost to myself until I piece it together enough to let it all go, blowing my brains out would be the optimal route here
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how do you manage with low effort/motivation? this isn't a diss, this is the same guy who asked to draw frilly dresses last time
i always feel very unconfident about drawing, especially bodies. like my arms or legs are wrong. or the breasts are too big and the body is bigger than it should be. I think I messed up the shading on the knee of the boot her but idk how to fix it.
and idk anything about drawing genitals. even when copying from a reference it still looks like i did it wrong.
and i find myself getting distracted lately
get that checked out anon
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what’s up dude :)
woah sick shading though, looks fine to me
that’s a good question in all actuality and no offense taken!
but if im going to be honest, I think it’s unironically severe mental illness paired with the fact I have nothing else to do in my life but contemplate things. I look at my old drawings and how embarrassing they are, everything is asymmetrical and disproportionate. I feel like getting the right ratios is completely a self taught thing. I have no idea how to draw cunny either, it’s all just a means to distract myself from how big of a jealous incel I am lole xd
They would 100% institutionalize me if they knew what triggers me
love that shit idiot. stop being a bitch about YOUR creation homie
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stop being so anal abt drawing. when you're inexperienced your mind will put constraints on your drawings without you even knnowing(does that make sense?). so relax and perceive how the image appeals to your hand and the way YOU would draw it.(you get it?)
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what did I ever expect really from anything
how and why did all this come about from here
in hindsight im just another fucking crazy person taking the bait just like anyone else
Everything I’ve ever thought, said, felt and done isn’t exclusive to me and nothing will ever be
I never wanted any of this haha
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what did she see in him
not me and I guess that’s what sold it
tfw u realize u spent the entirety of 2023 schizoposting in the notes app
2024 is schizoposting on 4chan
I won’t even livestream it
But it’s not like anyone would notice or care
It’s so funny how seemingly nothing could bring me to the verge of tears
Lol you should read my 2023 schizoposting on chatgpt!
I wish I found a way of enjoying this soul shattering loneliness but life has been a means of saying how much it fucking blows but in different words. I really do try and be grateful for what I can but my delusions kill me every fucking time.
Lol thats life kid!
Also loneliness sucks bad... FUCK LONELINESS
heh I know what life is at this point and if I were a kid I’d be doing stupid shit to cope and wouldn’t even be able to hold a conversation.
If it’s not envy it’s that, if it’s not one thing it’s another. Tis life.
I can’t ever get any type of satisfaction financially or socially because that would ruin the fun for the people who don’t want me to have fun
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tfw I'm society
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this is what u want me to be right
yes I think it’s what I am
it’s where I was always meant to be
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oh shut it what do you really know
what am I supposed to do, celebrate all of this?
flaunt all of this misfortune?
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, all things considered, there is nothing else for me to do or say
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ayo it's time to go gorilla KNOCK'N
have you thought ever abt a name change to Admiral Dickhead?
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no dizrespect... Admiral Dickhead
no is jam n gummi worms
wut about this shweethart
is this because u wanna suck me up like the lil faggot u are
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all this heartbreak over a bitch begging for pizza
wtf has my life come to
I tell,myself the same thing I’ve felt was felt by anyone fucking else
im not special
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funny funny funny
I realized no matter what would’ve happened
I’ve been bled dry either way
except this route was all of my very own accord
all from watching everything and everyone and taking the fucking bait like I don’t have any other option in my life
I really am stuck in cage now huh
I was just loling at my ban tbh.
Dont tell mods i evaded tho
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this 4chan stuff is beyond me tbh :l
Nice butte!!!!
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I already knew how insignificant I am
But my biggest fear may be coming to fruition, how none of this matters and it’s all randomized with no order to anything, ever.
how life became nothing but a means to keep me from falling apart and breaking down at any given moment. Is this really shit 4chan is saying? Hahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha
Thxx my duder =^~^=
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being schizo is one thing
but having the same song stuck on loop in your head for days is a little much
who the fuck put on linkin park
lemme show you some really music nigga
U liekKK Linkin PARK?!!41
wong link homie... ignore xdat elon jon
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So le relatable…

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I guess emo wasn’t a phase after all
sounds like my music #sovl
Elton’s a classic too yknow
that distortion is one of a kind, missed this song, something about that phrase, alone again lole
however my only choice left is violence these days
linkin park has a signature nostalgic sound too
these days all I am is numb and reanimated
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wth! never expected 2c siccboirari on esforce lmaoe
I have a goth money hoodie from back in the day
followed each other on my old ig too xd small world
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looking back, the only thing good that ever came about from anything was that I learned.
I guess im lucky I even learned in that sense.
What fucking ever
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juts noticed face tattoo.
really personAL
do i kno you?
(pic not related)
now he admits its radios
i bet he admits its radios now
I don’t get it
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
this site really isn’t helping the case of dead internet theory, but I will humanize you all regardless. :)
I-… I just wanted… nvm
Im alive and well... thank you
alive or just breathing
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ITS YOUR FAULT2!1!1!1111!1!1!1!
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why me…
what did I ever do to you or anyone to warrant any of this…
you let everyone else… e-e-everyone else got a c-c-chance… b-b-b-but me… so I get to sulk alone in the corner and fantasize how things could be the opposite of what I’ve ever known… I don’t even think I have any control over my mind or anything I think anymore :(… why have you took it all away from me? Why have you stripped me down to nothing? Why…?
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I’ve figured it out. I’ve gaslit myself into thinking I need approval or validation from ANYONE for ANYTHING I feel when I KNOW it’s all NULL and VOID! Ha! I’m a genius for this one!
Hi drawfren can I request a drawing as birthday gift?
ask and you shall receive
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why did you leave when I needed you the most?
why did you do everything you have done to everyone else?
I'd like to request Neptune from Neptunia in a swimsuit sitting in front of a laptop working on a small table in front of a restaurant in a tourist town
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oh I forgot to mention
it's up to you whether you want to draw her in her normal form or in HDD form
ohh.. nep! Yeah sure, I think I’ll do normal hair/size but with her hdd bodysuit!
happy bday and enjoy ur day, I’ll give it a shot
what happened? idk the context.. someone left you?
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I don’t want to point fingers but strange things have started happening to me and the world around me eversince I started posting here… it’s to the point where me schizoposting like a crazy person is somehow the least of my worries… sigh I don’t think anyone would get it either and im not sure if it can even be put into words :( but that someone was never there in the first place which is the pathetic thing… so everything I do is all a means to drive me further into insanity chasing a ghost… Le sigh
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well bdaynon… here you are. I’m not particularly inspired to draw much of a background tourist town or restaurant so my bad on that…
Color is going to cost you…
Your time and patience
do it
ye im finna after I come back from the mtn
the anonymous plausible deniability creates a self-contradictory atmosphere where u can’t really be sure of anything or anyone since they never maintain any coherent form of existence, perpetuating ambient rhythmic background patterns and imagined constructed narratives to hint at a form of identity just barely beyond the realm of what can be grasped by an observer, the internal world reflects externally, naive minds entangled into unconscious disarrayed abstraction, an interface is formed, the threshold that cannot be (un)crossed
a ghost cannot be hugged unless it allows itself to be touched, and to a ghost, to be touched is to lay one’s soul bare... and what a weak soul that is, to not even allow their cold hearts to be warmed in the flame of pure light
but of course even this will be denied!
i might be naive and new
But you
My favorite schizo
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unfortunately I fear it will only ever be denied, because nobody will ever be in the position to own up to anything. The truth is stranger than fiction. sigh.
>naive and new
we’re not so different you and I
but I feel you might know more than you’re letting on like any other poster here.
Thxx anyways anone :3
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oh wow, im so sorry
can yiu be my GORLFRIEND now
why do I only ever attract DID alters
I am doctor and i see this often with my patience..
I prescribe you with lithium and willy up your cooter, now PUHLEEASE SEND ME PICS OF UR BUSSY IN 4K @HORSESEX@TUTAMAIL.COM
worst fucking quack ever.
luckily for you I know better these days and somehow I made it past my druggy days without ever taking or sucking cock. Nor do I ever plan to. Rather be dead than gay or on any non psychoactives!
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happy bday buddy
enjoy your life
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really neat how whites never had a culture so they made AI to make one for them and the new world... Guess this is what it came up wif x3
mr 000 is asian and I'm a hemaphrodite futanari.
plz be inclusive for our bipoc frens on floorcan
cute nepper!
thanks a lot
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if anything was meant to be any good ever, what’s real will prosper eventually
ohh the best of both worlds huh
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O' gee I think we've startled em'
>Shhh Shhh.
Calm, Calm...
Hi, little booger :)
Do you know any Amazon gift card claim codes, little buddy??
oops! i guess not...
We're like 2 pees in a pod
Know about what?? I'm just a silly guy
Always, I got a good feeling about you :)

God himself is taunting me with this post. He is evil and you are a moron

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