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please post funny images you saved in 2013

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
i wasn't born then!!!1 loles
jenny.. your digits are okay but please pull down your shorts
then I have to turn on my pc
toshiba hard drives are reliable and decent. western digital perhaps too
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twitter to find mickers and lately a bit of youtube to learn more about music theory (i suck at music)
anyways heres another micker

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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dude I don't know what's going on, but somehow every miku you post is.. awesome. I don't get it I think this has something to do with you having splendid taste because I keep saving everything you post. as for music theory, I can always help you dude because I can read sheet music! I have experience working with digital audio workstations! I can do it all FOR YOU!
my issue currently is more of the same i have with drawing, i have no clue how to express emotion which is essential to creating art of any sort
when i sit down at the piano and try and create, nothing happens!!
i like this simple chord progression though
no computer was present at hand so I had to go to a website that plays chord sequence you input for you and well.. you are original person because that harmony is not generic and it sounds intriguing! do you know what that means? it means that you can split the last chord in two and make it shorter per beat so that it's two short-lenfth chords instead heckin' LOLA! NOW, IF ONLY I KNEW WHAT KEY THIS WAS.. THEN ID BE ABLE TO TELL WHAT OTHER CHROD YOU CAN APPEND BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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key of.... d minor
i kinda like Gsus2 after this
why dont u make a new scale form with eight notes and chords work the same
two same numbers!
plebeians make chords based on counting
anybody can do that a five year old could count up eight or less numbers from numbers one to eight or even one to twelve
functional harmony has nothing on smashing random chords that sound cool
i hate functional harmony!!!
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okay what other way is there to calculate chords apart from counting
I would sure love to cum inside a D minor unprotected. it would make my day because that chord is tight and juicy
whoa.. that would be new pain turning into this new pain
functional harmony dictates that you keep in mind the appended ded sevenths and also what goes well with yeah other. like the fact that c sharp minor is one of the grandest chords out there
crude should i relearn how to write kanji
i'm going through the 2700 or so i've studied and it seems i'm forgetting how to write many of them due to not reading enough

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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mkay I'm going to need you to run right out and walk and talk with me about the kanji bit. for instance, what does desu mean and how do you write it in hepburn wa atashi no hazu SERUFUKU NE II NO DESU KETSUROOOOOOOOON

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>11643466 (two same numbers!)
desu just means is. if you have セーラー服 (se-ra-fuku) adding です (desu) is like saying it is sailor uniform.
only 服 there is kanji though meaning clothes. です is written in hiragana (native japanese script)
i love you.. you are intelligent AND posses capacitive intelelct on top of that. you are a clever person and thank you for the translation you awesome man. how can I thank you for that service
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fix my broken hands that will become increasingly unusable as time goes on due to a genetic disease with no known cure

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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have you tried massaging your back
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i am sorry that yuor hands are broken
thankfully right now they're usable
as of now both my pinkies are slightly bent downwards and hurt a little while playing piano
i fear how they'll be in a few years
is it related to your nerves?
basically there are these lumps that grow in your hands and pulls the fingers down
Jesus Christ.. but wiki claims it's not entirely untreatable. is that false??
is treatable but i'm a broke and lazy neet
also should mention my dad has the same disease and spent 40k on his hands and they ended up not working still and in the end he got surgery to get his pinkies removed, and later this month he will have his ring fingers removed i believe
that makes me feel like crying
oh God.. dude this is the first time I'm even hearing about this disease. I don't know how to help you I have no clue honestly. even reading about your condition makes my chest hurt but I realize I simply can't do anything to aid you in any way. listen, I'm not saying this in a derogatory or mocking way, but have you considered making preparations for a way out before it gets so bad you can't use your hands anymore? something painless and quick that doesn't even require much courage? you know the website for surefire suicide methods right
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think that's definitely an option sometime in the future if i can't find anything that doesn't require hands that i can enjoy
future doesn't look bright so for now i'm trying my hardest to enjoy piano and the such for now
if i can learn to express a little emotion using music as a medium while i still have the chance i hope it'll let me be happy enough to continue living
toasting in a groomer thread
It's called polymorphous perversity and it is oh exploitable. Could someone tell me what's up with "radios"? Is that like a new meme or something?
i dont think those radios are new anymore
When I was a kid radios were for music in the car.
two same numbers!
when i was a kid it was the hospital (bad) and media outlets (bad)
now its everybody (bad)
When grooming is successful it pays many dividends.
remember not to brush ur hair every day unless u style it asian-girl
I have the chrome dome so it's not an issue.
Nice file name
Nice burg
And Nice dubs
Three nices!
so what u r saying is that you do not brush it every day?
best thread ever
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you reckon chopin knew something about life? listening to that piece made me think perhaps he did. I want you to know that I don't want you to be in pain. I don't want you to suffer. if thoughts and ideas do possess the potential to make a difference in reality, then know that I channel my wishes pretty darn sincerely into the reality where your condition gets treated and cured properly. I'm also terribly sorry for your dad. if you ever feel like sharing the tunes you've composed, I'll gladly listen to them
still bad at music but hopefully in the next few months of studying i'll be able to make something nice
like covering rebecca blacks friday
and ive felt the hate rise up in me
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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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micker bump

Your fortune: Bad Luck
oooooo mickuneeeeeee~ WA ATASHI NO HAZU
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