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How many past sexual partners is acceptable to you?
2 * (age)
2 * (age - 17)
The number doesn't bother me, the skin color bothers me.
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Only insecure people ask that question
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why are elves such whores
Does family count? cause they share the same dna anyway
unchecked doubles on the last page!
2 * (not age)
i dont even want to imagine how many bodies you have on you, YUCK
lesbian larper btfo
idk lol I've never had sex
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Anything over 0 is too much.
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personally I think it's all context dependent.
purely sexually I'm fine ₩ith someone having many partners in the past, as I don't ₩ant to hold double standards. If I ₩ant to be a sexually free person and explore sensuality, go to bdsm meetups etc, then the other person should be held to the same standards I have for myself. unless she is into nasty and gross stuff like gangbangs, bathroom stuff, anal, or doesn't have standards. then that's a no-go since those are all very unfun. but besides that i'm cool ₩ith non-romantic sexual promiscuousness because I am quite promiscuous as ₩ell.
No₩ on the other hand if it is mainly romantic and becomes serious, at my current age my number is if she has had more than 3-4 romantic partners. Then It turns into a bit of a red-flag that something is up and she might have emotional and trust issues having that many partners at this age. This number ₩ill go up as I get older and people date around more. I assume far in the future ₩hen I'm 60+ I ₩on't give a hoot about ho₩ many people someone has been ₩ith romantically. But for no₩ I'll be careful, especially after my last ex. sexually revolving doors are cool, romantic ones are not.
Play ₩ith someone's genitals,
Don't play ₩ith their heart. kek

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
0-3 because human pair bonding is real and anyone who wasted theirs will not appreciate their partner as a person, or someone to cherish, but rather a comparison to the rest of their prior experiences, and are unable to be appreciative of the current moment.
idfc as long as it has nothing to do with elves :(
Idk why you are all simping over elves o_o
I was asked if I was u cause apperantly my rambling shitposts sound similar to your posts and I feel offended.
My edgy retardation is funny and somehow both try hard and clearly poorly thought out. ur just a fag and ur shits all retarded.
atleast 12 and rising (none of them are me ^^)
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lol sorry. that is truly unfortunate.
₩hat I have can't be fixed. The silver lining to this similarity is that no₩ your posts ₩ill seem a lot less retarded in comparison. rest easy 'cause 'Your posts may be shit quality, but at least you aren't as bad as that namefig'
I'll have to keep an eye out for your posting style anon.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
I can probably forgive 2 times I think
I watched my girlfriend lie to me through a phone as she tells me the comforts I want to hear.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
0 is ideal
1 is difficult
2+ you have to completely put the others to shame with your sexual performances or else it will never work and even then she will still be a complete retard with emotional and decision making problems
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i don’t think I’ll ever get to choose!
nobody has ever feigned interest in me so I’ll take what I can get!
Desperation and desolation is so funny!
800, no less
I am a (cis)femanon and had a crush on you until you said the N word way way way way too often
I even had a dream we had a date unironically
Whats the appropriate number of times to say the N word?
I can tolerate a little edginess, I mean look at him, his art has cutting, sex, lolis etc
But saying the Pewdiepie word too often seems more genuinely immature than just mentally ill to me, also it is just kind of just grating to see often even if I am not black. I am too much of a nicer to like seeing it constantly
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What if he referred to black people as Kaffir instead? Would that be acceptable?
double dubs!
i never wanted to say or even think or dream about any of this either! I look back on literally everything and cringe about the things I’ve done! Alas, I’ll take the blame for it anyways, what other choice do I have? Here’s to hoping our minds and dreams are not working against us!
can we say jigaboo? maybe darkie?
It is okay I hope you can grow to be just a little less actively hateflel
You are cute and your art is nice.
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Its over for the afrikanercels, I feel sorry for them. HAving to leave there home and not even being able to find love.
Dis verby
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I know im being gaslit you know! You made me say it anyways! Hell, im pretty sure YOU made me draw everything ive drawn anyways! You’re playing innocent and im the immature one! Real mature of you! I KNOW I have no control of anything, you and I included! I hope you’re having as much fun as me! I’m the one waiting on YOU TO WAKE UP ain’t that right sleeping beauty??? xoxoxoxoxo
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as many as I can count on my fingers :)
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unchecked doubles on the last page!

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