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1 tab of lsd taken! only one!
i dont want to be your brain friend actually + youre making me feel sick + get off of me
Good lucky:)
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Rolling 4tune 4u

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Godly luck
my body feels so funny lol and also warm
wish is my fav s4s druggie :D

Your fortune: Bad Luck
eeeeeeeh how did i become a "druggie" ? ? Uwaa!! Eeek!!!
are you gonna die
Fuck off already, you are not cute anime cat girl
ya im literally not alive dummy @_@ im litearlly dead for a long time =sl;
are you one of my schizophrenic hallucinations then
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wow druges make you so unique and cute
44044 reference!
44044 reference!
I was doing acid every week for 3 months but then i had le uncomfortable trip and now im too much of a pussy to use my last tab lole

have a gud trip cuz ur last acid thread was a mess
jiru cant accept that i'm johan and he's dr tenma
idk that means
wuld u like 2 have a boy (male) you can have as a dressupbuddy and make into a pretty princess?
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whose this
um maybe
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i get this reference now because i have watched the anime
you dont exist yore a ghost shut up shut up shut up
ghost blowjob?
do moar acid little friend :)
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Give me a ghost blowjob baby. I want to see how it feels to be sucked off by a ghost.
Unless you got shitty tabs 1 tab is good enough for a trip. 2 110ug tabs that are properly dosed makes me go blind with geometry lole so i prefer 1 tab with weed instead.
maybe im just pussy who cant handle a heavy load though >-<
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trip how you trip homie
i love all doses
sleepy time
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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