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lol kawaii
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What pissed you off this time? We can all tell the current scat spam from you is just you having a temper tantrum btw
I just knew she was going to retardiate

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Not op but sometimes spamming is fun. Especially on this god forsaken hellhole. The mods do nothing and the anons are a bunch of limpwristed 20-25 year olds posting pictures of little anime girls hoping someone might pay attention to their mangina loving ass.
25 - 35 year olds actually
Right. My bad I was thinking the average r9k age.
My point still stands tho. Everyone here is gay except me because I don't posy picture of little anime girls.
is it all that sweat ?
I can respect that actually
dubs of chocolate fudge
TRIPS!! Your power level is over ninethousand
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u have no point except ur tiny little needle cock
ur on an anime website you stupid fucking nigger
People like you are the reason western media is so shit and ugly
What the fuck do you know about anything you stupid fucking retard I think you’re just projecting in all actuality how you want to get fucked in the ass by a putrid femboy cock like the sissy twink faggot you are so you gotta post big muscly man to compensate for everything you’re not.
I hate 30 year old men
you make me feel better about being a faggot
Please grow up
Omg shut the fuck up loser
Uidk wut ur talkin abote. I'm fuggin jackedoff irl. Pic relatede is me
Try to hurt my feelings again
Protip: I'm pretty much perfect, u cant
Ps:I have a thick juicy sausig nd its only for the pretty ladies without penips.
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Damn it forgot my selfy
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how ironic when im going to be the one shutting YOU up with my gigantic COCK in your MOUTH
ur not me fagget lole
are you a stoner metal guy?
Based and fucking true. Everyone in this shitty horrible excuse of a board is suler fucking mentally ill and completely retarded, no one here has even an ounce of human normalcy. The s4s generation is a fucking waste.
Why do you have a full blown mental breakdown whenever someone says something that you don't agree with? You just talk shit and insult people over the internet behind a screen like a big tough man because that's all you're good at, as you said yourself. Why not just go outside, take a walk, get some fresh air, maybe get a job, if not get in clubs or something, or do drugs idk, anything that coukd get your mind off the internet so you don't start an argument with everyone that has a different opinion than you. Just do something else, it's not healthy.
I sobered up and really got my life together... For the most part, but yeah still a big metalhead.
Based Filipino with dubs
ur dumb as fuck but I’ll humor you anyways
I walk 6 miles up a mountain everyday
I’ve worked many jobs doing many things
money isn’t an issue for me
this is a club
I’m not a degenerate
What the fuck do you know about me yet you’re berating me for no fucking reason like you really know about anything that goes on around here
is being a gaslighting nigger kike like yourself any healthier than what I do on the day to day basis?
and he swearshe'sanigger
Arnoldo Spaccanegar

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