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how are you supposed to huff paint ive been spraying it in paper bag and inhaling over and over and it doesnt seem to work am i doing something wrong i made sute im breathijng with my lungs and not just inhaling it with my sthomnac
I don't know If you should continue anon you might get lead poisoning either that or I'm stupid

Your fortune: Good Luck
i wish i die from this
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this is romanian-tier pasttime

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i have no money i need to get high
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it's because you're spiritually gypsy
accept christ
i tried my mind is too seared to be genuine and acept him i know hes the truth and i will go to hell i just cant be genuine :/
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go to a gas station & shove some benadryl packets in your pockets and walk out?? take about 10-15 of those and you'll get high.
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okay following your advice
just let go
>>11646733 (33)
No no no, please don't listen to the guy that's saying that you should get benadryl and take a lot of it to get high. Please, for the love of God, don't huff paint either. These two things are extremely harmful for your health and also the high absolutely sucks (I mean it really sucks) and the high is definitely not worth the risk or the damage you cause to yourself. I'm not trying to dictate what you can and cant do with your life, I'm just trying to look out for your safety because I care about you man, please don't do it because you might harm and impair yourself tremendously, if you're gonna use drugs, which I sometimes do, please just stick to soft drugs like psychedelics and weed, those are actually ok for you. I have to remind you that, unlike weed or psychedelics, huffing paint and taking benadryl in excess can do a lot of damage to your brain and could really fuck up your kidneys. The high from these things is absolute trash, it feels very shitty, weed and psychedelics are a million times better because they are much safer, much healthier and the high is much more satisfying. And trust me, I use to also huff paint and take a lot of benadryl because I was addicted to getting high, I always needed to get my fix somehow, even if it was through unconvential methods, but I completely stopped after I read about how harmful and horrible for you it is and started noticing that my short term memory was going to shit. I absolutely repent ever doing such harm to my body and I promised to myself to never do it again. Thankfully, I've recovered from my self inflicted brain damage and I'm just fine now, but that damage could've absolutely been permanent. That's right, you could permanently and severely damage your brain and your kidneys from taking too much benadryl or huffing paint.
You are literally playing with fire, and I really don't want you to burn yourself. Please be safe, take care of yourself and please take my advice seriously, this is not a joke, you can seriously get hurt or die from that. You can smoke all the weed and take all the psychedelics you want, but please just stay away from huffing or taking too much benadryl.
Just wait till you've got the money and go buy yourself some weed and psychedelics from a dealer who you can trust. If not, just grow them yourself in your own house and harvest them, It's just as good as buying them if not better. But as I said, don't huff paint or take too much benadryl, please.
these fools can't handle A high. don't listen to em'
A benadryl or paint high is not an actual high you fucking dumbass, the "high" is literally your brain's way of telling you that there's something wrong with your body (in other words, your brain telling you that you've inserted toxic harmful substances in your body by making you feel a certain way in case your retarded ass didn't get it the first time) getting high off of huffing paint or taking benadryl is getting high off your brain's danger response.
>yar ho matey
can you stop posting such scary pictures im going to hv an episode
I love you :-*
this guy is right I agree
You are more genuine than you give yourself credit. Take care of yourself please <3

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