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File: angel beary.gif (15 KB, 205x274)
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hey the pron spammherst is gone :)
for now at least...
which one theres like 15 of them
File: something unpleasant.jpg (41 KB, 564x386)
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the malevolent one who edits bury's wholesome face on unwholesome lewd transvestite porners
File: bs4s.gif (53 KB, 780x720)
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thats such a silly schtick but at least it gives a free bump to a nice thread

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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335 KB GIF
such nice anglel

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Don't worry, he'll be back.
doot doot lole
don't announce it
when he reads this thread, he will have two options
1: accept defeat, and realise he can't keep spamming forever, and that bearies will continue long after he stops
2: begin spamming again in defiance of this thread's message, forcing himself to keep going just to prove a point that will ultimately end in failure anyway

I LOVE spammers so much because they are slaves to their own ego
they have to keep work work working otherwise they have to admit to themselves they failed
it's a painful struggle that exists entirely in the mind of the spammer, they cause their own suffering LOL

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