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it’s my 23rd birthday today
shut up bitch
lol that boygirl meme anine is on the right
lmao i'm 33
Happy Birthday!!!
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wow you literally were born exactly 1 year and 1 day after me
happy birthday fren
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wowe ur still so young
enjoy life and have fun
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power aNd the money
money and the power
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Happy Birthday anon! I hope u live to see 24!
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lol I was posting bune raven on [s4s] when you were still in middle school. let's all laugh at this newfig
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thanks for all your hard work
hapy birthday c:
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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btw heres a picture of a small cade for OP hope you like it
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ive been talking to a lot of friends/enemies and crying a lot and getting a lot of closure all day
your really lucky to have closure
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happy birthday anon

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
to be fair im forcing a lot of confrontations. i WORKED for this closure
trips of truth
i do
dubs of r00d
ty c:
thanks it’s nice to be appreciated
i respect my elders a lot
thanks me too i think
that’s the dream
im doing my best. life is crazy
happy birthday yesterday
so is my girlfriend
lol the animes
In your special day....fuck yourself fucking faggot
yeah I've been trying to get closute for a long time too but who i want closure from does not care and has never cared despite all my efforts to this day to just talk
im not gonna do that. i might fuck your mom though.
it’s hard for people to learn empathy. and it’s also hard to have empathy for people who haven’t learned empathy
happy bday
happy birthday
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