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are drugs bad for you
no i don't think so :)

Your fortune: Good Luck
thank u cat fish
Hey fatfish can you sing me happy birthday?
Very bad
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No they're not.

Here, have some cocaine.
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It depends on what kinds of drugs you are talking about. There are many different types of drugs, there are stimulants, there are downers, there are psychedelics and there are cannabinoids.

Psychedelics (such as LSD, Psilocybin, Mescaline and DMT) and cannabinoids (such as cannabis sativa and cannabis indica strains) have been scientifically proven to be pretty safe for consumption and with minor unwanted side effects (especially for methods that don't involve smoking) so if you use those, you don't have to worry about anything serious happening to you.
I keep getting told that if I start taking drugs everyone will start to hate me
I tried smoking weed one time but it made me really dizzy and my skin felt like it was made of porcelain so I'm scared of it now...
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It's true that some people will not want to associate with you if you do drugs, but that's only a minority. I mean, fuck it, if it makes you feel great, do it. However I must emphasize the importance of doing things like that in places where people can't see you (you know, in private) as long as you do it when nobody is looking and as long as you don't do anything stupid while on drugs (like something dangerous) you should be just fine. Most people don't care whether you do drugs, or whether you're high at the moment.

Also, extremely important to mention, please, please for the love of god, test your drugs before you use them, especially if you're using pills like adderall or powder form drugs like cocaine. Recently there has been an incredible spike in accidental fentanyl overdose deaths because drug dealers are now beginning to cut the substances they sell with fentanyl (which if you don't know, is the most dangerous drug in the world, much more dangerous than even heroin, and extremely addictive too). You can buy drug test kits online easily or in pharmacies, sometimes they even give out drug test kits for free in places where there's a lot of drug usage (such as in Kensington, Philadelphia). I urge you to get a drug test kit and test your drugs before you use them so you can make sure they haven't been spiked with fentanyl. Anyways cheers, take care and use responsibly!
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Weed might definitely make some people feel dizzy, but making your skin feel like porcelain? It shouldn't normally do that, are you sure that was normal weed and not spice (synthetic weed)? It definitely might have been spice.
I don't know I think it was dab oil or something I don't remember very well my friend made me take it...
only if you overpay for them.
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Exactly, cocaine is pretty damn expensive so I don't think it's worth having it as a habit. It's better to only use it at parties or at special occasions when you really want to have a good time.
But I always want to have a really good time...
yes; keep doing them
magick seconds before posting on [s4s]
why dont you go outside and actually try these things
theres a time and a place and people are always around
if your head is wrong people will let you know
as long as you know everyone can tell and it puts you at a different tier of human depending on how high you are, your motivations for using, and how connected to reality you are. people just wont wanna be around you. but it doesnt matter cause youre high. alcohol works like this too but everyone does it and everyone follows and upholds the same social rules. thats why you should really just stick to alcohol
yes c:
ok im done with drugs forever im too scared now
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yeah there's no substance that causes tolerance that you can safely use forever

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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