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heres a picture of my cat rupert, you may have seen around here before! hes 3 years and 10 months old now!
here he is laying on my table hes been going to lots of random spots recently
hip hip hurray it is ruper!!!!!!!
Samefag moment
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heres rupert and tux in the gardene earlier today
rupery cat
I love rupert! and tux too!
thank you for the rupert update :D
I would die for rupert
Robert ttttt
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can you get him a cool spikey collar
mor ruprt plz
There are only 3 ips in this thread
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please record some more cake eating asmr for his next birthday. i enjoyed the first one
very happy to see rupert's doing well

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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here u go
it says 4 for me
I like the gato, he's a cute lad. Makes me smile :)
I rember when he was just a little babby :3
So le cute
i like him
rupert thread <3
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thnx me 2
nice pur dubs

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