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>smoke sterling on occasion
>tastes kinda bad but tolerable
>see people hyping up malboro
>buy a pack
>just tastes of ash and cancer
did I get duped?
nobody smokes/drinks for the taste thats just silly
yeah, the second you started smoking those cancer sticks, lole

P.S. who are you quoting?
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It's toasted
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get wid it Anon
then what's the point of drinking if it tastes displeasing and doesn't get me drunk on top? the tension or anxiety never goes away, I don't get relieved and I never feel good no matter how much I drink then why bother if it tastes bad on top
you reckon kaagmin and the tsukaser want to have sex with boys every day?
idk about you but gin and tonic is pretty tasty. Alcohol has a bitter taste but it doesn't have to taste bad, it's all about how you mix it.
okay gin and tonic are more on the bitter side and could you recommend something that's sweet or maybe fruity or maybe sour I like sour like what redbulletastes tastes like :DD
idk if they sell it outside the UK but WKD might be your thing. If not then some other alcopop might do if you want sweetness.
I'm from chelmsford. okay, I'll have some wicked then. mayeb accompany me to a local pub and have yummy sweet cocktails with me

Your fortune: Good Luck

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