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whiteboys have gone too far with their colonization, they can only eat broccoli from now on ^_^
How dare you be so accurate.
Kill yourself, faggot.
>Nope, pork was first eaten in the middle east.
And then never again.
why do u support race mixing
whiteboi realizing he has no culture except sucking BBC
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why are white ppl so mean :l
they don't store their piss in bags,
that's why
you don't have testicles? wtf
ohh I forgot about the piss jugs, piss drawers, soiled bedsheets and diapers and all that other lovely shit…
White culture at its finest
semen isn’t squirt lole
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trannies be like: why does everyone hate me? and then be postin this kinda garbage
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yt's donut even eash dey chicen bix nood
Water? Heheh methinks not CHUD! First drank by AFRICANS! IT WAS OUR DRANK!
we came from nothing
Quail, pheasant, quail, duck, duck egg, goose, rabbit, fish, crab, honey, damson, elderberry, gooseberry, plum, juniper berry, lingonberry, pear, currant, sloe, caper, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, asparagus, parsnip, radish, carrot, dill, tarragon, thyme, oregano, wormwood, chestnut, hazelnut, pine nut, hops, ale (premodern style), beer, mushrooms. Some of those of course being universal since they exist everywhere that water and plants exist.
Also, the modern idea of bread is mostly from the Middle East which is more technically Asia than Africa but there is evidence pointing toward basic primitive flatbreads cropping up anywhere there were starchy plants and things to mash them with. And currently the earliest direct evidence for cheesemaking points toward Poland and Croatia beating out Egypt by one thousand years, with some possibility of Switzerland having possibly beaten the Polish and Croatian sites by another thousand years.
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who first eated fent
George Floyd from the band Pink Floyd
They did write a song call breathe.
You story checks out,move along citizen.

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