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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me get into the darkest part of the deep web. :D
yeah sure just flip your computer upside down and now u in tyhere :)
type porn into google
>>11646659 #

Lol, I will try this
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you sick fuck
nvm the threads but bury ebil r34?
call the kettle black will you
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if the kettle is a nigger
Guys I figured it out
how to take a screen shot?
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Jesus dude don't post illegal shit like that on here!
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yea m8 down load TOR (the onion router) follow all the instructions and use a dedicated browser with proxy settings configured. find onion links to eight chan etc.

or if you want the very dark web, get i2p. i havent been able to set it up and i was a network security engineer so good luck if you want to do that but from what i hear theres not many live site and many dead links so maybe that was the problem.
I used to use the dark web a lot. A lot of fun forums that blow 4chan out of the water as far as content quality goes. Unfortunately one by one those forums/chans got nuked. The owner would lose interest or struggle to find good mods or the feds would put pressure on the owners, or the users would all fuck off.

Tbh, there isn't much fun to be had on the dark web anymore unless you're intentionally looking for illegal content, and trust me, don't.
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even still, ive seen people talking about a chan that is p2p hosted, where images are encrypted and the key is never stored on the same host as the encrypted image file. basically its a pretty clever way for getting around the laws for illegal pixels., because technically nobody is hosting it.
according to some youtubers, 4chan is the darkest place on the internet, they say here's full of murderers or smt
Just remember the first key to a successful police state is that everyone is guilty of something.
I wouldn't say FULL. Also nice trips.
troubling trips
if you want child porn just say it -__-
the first step is to find topic links 3.0 for information on where to proceed further. you’ll know what to do next..
"Chel Blowjob."

Is the Google AI still broken?
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ooo so EBIL
Do you know any active chans that have traffic?
you know what would have been funnier if you actually looked up the you-know-what-kind of porn and showed us the results. like you typed in scat dirty that kind of dirty illegal porno that you'd just look up even though the guy only mildly suggested regular porn. but you would attempt to find the you-know-what-kind of porn and screencapped that instead comprendé?
some ISPs straight up block your connection the moment they detect you're attempting to get on i2p. the reason is that i2p is so untraceable they'd rather cut you off instead of bothering with keeping track of you while you're on there
Hello Mr.Humour223

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