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ive rad a lot about how ritalin and adderal make people like 100 times more productive and control over their lives im wondering if it would be time for me to get into starting using some of these myself. how do i obtain ritalin or adderal? would you advise this? ive never done drugs in my life.
u hab to go to a doctr and ask for an adhd test and then once u have ur diagnosis they give u a paper that you have to showe to your pharmiscist and then they give u either ritalin or a generic version called methylphenidate(its not the same as meth its just starts w the same word lol)

Your fortune: Godly Luck
which you shouldn't because you chucklefucks who take it for fun have caused a shortage and are quite literally stealing kids' futures.
it wouldn't be for fun it would be so i can unlock meth stimulant powers to become extremely efficient and productive to get more things done in my life
you're an adult just clean the fucking apartment you don't need drugs
people on adderall only use it for weight loss and for 12h gooning sessions… the stimulation you think you get from it is sovlless if you intend to be creative on it
i'm afraid you ask too much of me
it makes u unaware dont use jewdrugs
Unaware is a really good ability in pokemon.
It turns me into a boring nice person. People can tolerate me much more. I can't think...I just exist. Time accelerates, but you cant tell. The perfect way to become a slave for capitalism, than to rebel alone. The imagination dies...the emotions die...the spirit is eclipsed. You become a ghost in a shell. I like that show.
it doesn't make "people" more productive and have control over their lives, but rather "people with ADHD." don't take medications for conditions you don't have, it will fuck you up. and don't diagnose yourself either. leave that to a professional. if you're struggling with productivity or self-determination then go see a psychiatrist.
The shortages are caused by the FDA as they limit production.
If prescription drugs were produced without governmental oversight, they would be subject to the same supply and demand as most products on the free-market.
the ancap arrived :(
I've done that and been diagnosed with everything from ADHD to depression to autism to OCD to SPD to AVPD
I should be able to enslave niggers for fun
not nice

Your fortune: Bad Luck
OMG super cute econ 101 survivor spotted!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom...
Neither are niggers TND
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I never took that class, though?
They hate way you sound smart bro, you gotta talk dumb to these psychos.
Thanks, now can you show me your bussy in 4k @horsesex@tutamail.com plox ??????????????????????????
probably CPTSD then

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