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Give me a chance
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I'm the creep but you're the one wearing that stupid ass outfit in the middle of July musky ass vampire diary goofy ahh
>vampire diary goofy ahh
Odd how out of anything, you brought up this
imma keep pestering her till she punch me.
which danganronpa would you fug
What's the op pic from? I cant find any matches w reverse iamge
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It’s mine obviously, I made it
I need closure what happens next make more
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>I need closure what happens next
Am I not on point or something I thought I was spot on with that.
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Depends I guess, I mean she’s from Danganronpa though
It wouldn't be a roast if I said tha-

U know what. U have it.
Is she even worth it?
yeah man shin mega money tencent
the more you get the more she loves sex doesn't she

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