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im permabanned poster nicerstomper58. i first started reading [s4s] when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of "rudeness" and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like "nicer balls" and "i love shitting inside nicer assholes" in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing things in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on antipsychotics. i always wondered what the kind of "rude" style of [s4s] humor was all about; i think it's the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who "get" [s4s] to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.
i really wonder what makes someone want to create this https://youtube.com/watch?v=-knOGoRYhE0
s4s damage
first aphex twin beat I’ve ever heard
pretty sure it’s ableton produced lole
however 4chan is the source of the voices im pretty sure
Same I can't stop eating the sugar pop lumpy bump thimbles for sewing gigantic quilts and fitting little sisters to the flagship tent pole launch unit
kinda makes you wonder what sort of childhood David Firth had, but I love that he exists and makes shit like this
we call this "mentally lel"
what if him and david lynch, david earle and david tibet are all the same person?
im le newfig please let me in on the origin of this copypasta
it isnt copypasta
this is peak [s4s] irony – calling david firth weird and obscure and bizarre
do you think anything longer than a few sentences is pasta? what are you, italian?
Today s4s is not that good.... too much schizoposting imo
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groomed faggot award

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