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Goddamn fucking niggers...

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I never putted my penis inside another person and i'm 25 year old

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
I never had a good credit score or someone to back credit for me So Hey, cheer up. It can get worse real fast.
I never even had credit…
don’t understand what the hype for borrowed money is about.
Well...when you want to buy a car, or a house (yknow...the usual shit)...you need credit and money...more money than 6 paychecks
umm so buying something on borrowed funds makes it yours?
make enough money you don’t need credit but I see we’re not exactly on the same wavelength here…
No bank will allow you to do this unless your buying used beat up garbage, but hey, I been there. Especially buying a house, you need money (regardless if borrowed or not) and credit (which you earn repaying borrowed money.)
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I can tell you haven’t gotten out of it either lole
money talks, you don’t
I don't understand your angle, and are you really trying to flex with a jpeg of bro holding cash? Sorry if reality triggers you bro, but facts are facts. Nah I'm still in the game unfortunately, but I'm not lying to myself either bro. Check your angle.
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I’m not about to flaunt my reality to you buddy, all im saying is sorry if I made you mad for me not having to ever rely on credit.
I am way more credible in other ways dependent on banks or funds to know my very own value.
But I'm not mad at that. You obviously think you're superior in some way and that pisses me off. I don't care you never had to struggle bro. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Maybe I would. But not a random. Glad you didn't have to adult it out And talk to a loan officer. Bet you never been to car dealership alone either. Some people gotta thug it out some don't. It is what it is.
bruh im not about to get into it with you nor try and prove anything to anyone
you get what you give. That’s all
u make no sense broke nigga u ain't it
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all you makin is cents and you tryna call the boii broke lil nigga
I been it for how long now?! Buhahahaha
Ayo don't talk shit u ain't got nothin to back it up but a goofy jpeg of a femboy holding Saint dupoint on mspaint nigga wholesale this bitch
Nigga u ain't it it's obvious
u talm bout wholesale while im on that cease, desist and seize type shit what the fuck u rly know bout running packs my nigga
u running away from the truth like I really am it stop trippin u on narcan or sum
Nigga I'm the runner and the gunner u just the runner up I really got fiends in a line cause ima need mines totalitarian in this shit
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glownigga rly tryn flex bruh im out this bih
U started it with the jpegflex

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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