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i want to die
i hate my life
you will have sex again someday

You are my opposite i will fight you do the death.
Maybe only a genius could make art or stories
You would have to be a genius
i am not a genious
My genie in a bottle.
Now you only get 3 wishes.
15 million dollar
a island for myself
free of my schiziohrenia c:
Bold of you to assume he had sex in the first place
i want you to die
Since when was life about making wishes come true?
That’s are you ever say nigger
Be a MAN and do it already. I’ll do it with you.
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1.15 MB JPG
my wihs will never come true
Well you can't get what you want but you can get me.
hope xou pussy if oreorsred fo thisd
i cant even remeber what happend last nigth all i have is these fragment of thought that will never come to a conclusion

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