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File: jashin stare.jpg (198 KB, 1447x1447)
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an armored vehicle was fired upon and set ablaze. . . Amidst the smoking, smoldering wreck, wriggled a sliming meat squirmer. There he lay, writhing and breathing, oozing and yelling, wheezing and screaming. . . We all know; it’s self evident, I might add; we are all aware his body was not meant to be a charred squirming husk -- an ooey-gooey mess. None knew better than him, of course. Do not be like the meat squirmer, as your body is a cluster of cells to be cherished and upheld in pristine dignity -- bones in tact, cartilage, tendons and all -- everything that resides inside Spaceship You. With that, I say stay inside my love, of course. . . Drink sugar free Red Bull, or what have you, in perfect seclusion. Stay inside, my little treasure. . . Stay inside
understood! I willll not go outside XD
Sugar Free Red Bulls are pretty scary
i didnt read this but thats pretty hot
read it. You'll be thankful you did, sweeties

Your fortune: Good Luck
what if your house blows up
any kind of building can catastrophically fail at any time and liberate the lumpy organs, tubes and fluids from your thorax and abdomen
erm, I'm speaking specifically of armored personnel carriers, my love. We don't want our organs and juices in those
1: a man's home is his castle
2: a castle's function is protection against attack by an external enemy
3: a man's home is traveling around the sun at about 30 km/s
4: while in his home a man is moving at about 30 km/s
5: a home is on the ground
6: a thing that moves with people inside of it, is on the ground (i.e. not flying, hovering or traveling on or through the water) and has the function of protecting the people inside of it from attack by an external enemy (as opposed to, for instance, directly engaging an enemy combatant) is an armored personnel carrier

therefore, a man's home is an armored personnel carrier
good to know [esforce] is doomsday prepping for world war weeb =^~^=v
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anyways I'll just
this is quite disturbing, my love
if you live in the kind of place where armoured vehicles are set ablaze, being in your home won't suffice for safety
you should flee the country
I shall choose to flee existence, for I am the spirit and the flesh is merely a meaty unarmored vehicle

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