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Hello Amigos:
Sonia es la niña hermosa
mi gente Latino
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I just realized she is based on the real artist that created those characters, Yeka Haski.
are you the person that usually posts this girl or is this someone else
si ahuevo, yo también eh parle italiano o lo que sea
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she even wears the same striped jersey...

Of course Sonya is like a million times better.
yes I am
that's Spanish Italian is reserved for Trulli Tales (Puglia only)
a poco.
Sonya from Queerville: Only Gays and Trans edition
sonya is male?
imagine the glide

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
it's just a joke:

minute 5:24
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I am starting to think she believes to be Sonya herself, just look at her profile pic.
it's just some of her art :p
that joke will not work out well in the west. theyre a bit sensitive to that kind of stuff

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