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Easiest ways of kms (no guns cuz poor fag)
just waiting till something else does it
You're not going to do it.
You want attention. It only takes a modicum of thought to devise an adequate method of suicide with a set of given tools and situations, but yet you choose to ask such a question thus that we have little to advise.
So if you really wish to die and are without resources, tell us, what is it that you have? a car and a hose? a rope and high place to hang it from? or a padded cell?
Just deal with the feelings of emptiness like the rest of us
i don't have a car, i could try a rope but i don't know of any high place arround to hang (could try and look into the parks trees, don't knof if they are strong enough), i have tought about using knives but i don't like the idea of leaving a mess, so i guess a better question would be most cleaniest and easiest ways to do it
Sorry to break it to you but suicide is a scam nothing good happens u just die
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public transportation
Wait for a truck to pass at an appropriate speed, put your head where the wheels will pass before the driver can brake, ruin the day of hundreds of people.
Don't do it you fag

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