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I was a victim of the Theta Brainwave Activation Program in an effort with the WORLD POLICE to TAP INTO THE ASTRAL PLANE via PSYCHONAUTICS.
they peeled back my psyche likr an onion, because I was only meant to be an entry node so that a psycho-operator could navigate using my BRAIN as an INTERFACE.
oh no not you too…
people don't actually need sleep, and there is no scientific evidence that states otherwise.
you’re telling me we die every night?
because im not buying anyone has unlimited stamina and endurance in anything
Have yiu tried meth?
so I used to hang out with niggers when I was a spineless naive lad.
Those fuckers brought meth instead of coke. Which reminds me of another time when I puked in some fuckfaces car because I thought we were smoking weed instead of spice.
I digress but I only insufflated a little bump and that was probably the most shameful thing I’ve ever put in my body thankfully. (no cock jokes, I’d rather die than be gay!)
oh and another time when I traded my rx of 30mg Addie’s and this stupid fucking slut gave me the tiniest fleck of coke and everything else fucking drywall. God I should’ve raped that bitch.
i never tried cocaine.
meth sucks, good for playing video games and masturbating chronically.
I never had legit adderall before, I'm on\y prescribed concerta :(
Do you think i can talk my doctor into prescribing me addy?
How do i talk him into giving me 30's?
I’d rather have a good complexion than trade it for any hard drugs like that.
adderall def sounds up your alley, the most productive thing you could do on it is fap or menial tasks because it sucks the soul outta you creatively.
Dunno where you’re at but these days only quackie doctors in it for the bucks prescribe the fun stuff.
However telling him your current medication isn’t working and saying someone in your family recommended adderall would be your best bet imho.
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I know what you mean. The gov used me like a fleshlight and replaced the glory hole they drew in my psyche w/ a robot who is akin to swiper the fox that comes every day/night at the exact same time(as well as whenever it sees necessary). To make matters worse they also injected me with autism while I tried to take solace from the cold, almost lifeless government agents they appointed me since birth in a psychiatric ward. I now live secluded in an experimental stasis pod as a corrupted copy of my conscious. Consistently based against their trauma ridden agents to help alleviate their REAL conscious state. I've tried suicide too many times to find myself regurgitated a year or two prior to eventually remember every instance of my life lived out before exactly as it happens in the present moment. I have eclipsed this program with suicide too many times to even remember a life before or what comes about when I'm anything but docile. Every interaction is perceived as [FEED] through an dulled algorithm that is only made to simulate societal interactions. I am kept here like a jap bitch would lazily keep a Tamagotchi. Every motif is not meant for me, but made for a digital copy of my conscious that has been created loving to shovel shit and stand there to remind and to fight the me that has resolved in what feels like centuries of time in the same instances time and time again. I have found no escape and I know there is none. All resolve is bound in vices. Now I have gone on long enough for the static to return nd cease all motor functions.
I'm actually really productive despite havong no job, no life and no friends because I just make up my own problems to solve.
my life is just recursive like that.
I think ur lying
it’s all a little too paradoxical for my taste
it’s always what you make of it right?
but the only coke worth doing is nose candy and you either gotta be a hot bitch, cartel member or glowie to get anything worthwhile.
you and I both.
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if you'd like I should clear up anything in particular go ahead and ask
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Did they love me?
could they ever love me?
It hurts to think they are with someone, but I never tried to be with them.
Our connection on both planes has been severed, but i still think of them frequently.
I can still contact them-- but about what?
They say they.
Call it.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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