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Why are shotas so cute?
imagine a fis got in to his swim pants and thought that his willy was a littler fish or worm and started try to swallow it and then another fis goes into him the bute
T. Anthro Woman
I don't know what "shotas" are, but I assume you're referring to anime boys.

Our children carry only half of our genes. For this reason, their genetic incentives don't align with ours perfectly.

If you have two children, A and B, they (ceteris paribus) are of equal value, because they both carry 50% of your genes. But from A's perspective, B is only worth 50% of himself. So he cares for his brother, but not as much as he cares for himself. This is why siblings have to compete for their parents' favor.

Parents have a lot of power over their children and they want to keep it that way. Cuteness is the emotion parents feel when their child successfully signals alignment with their incentives. We find children cute when they:
- don't fight
- are healthy (happy and energetic)
- show potential for later abilities (when they engage in play/learning/curiosity)
- are weak and dependent
We don't find children cute when they:
- fight
- are always weak and tired
- uninterested
- are disobedient
We also just find some of their appearance cute, so we can detect who is and who isn't a child. These are heuristics like:
- size of head compared to body
- size of eyes
- smoothness of skin

Anime is a superstimulus. Some people find anime boys cuter than real children. Superstimuli are usually worse products but they trigger a stronger response. Like very sweet or salty food. The taste isn't complicated, but that one stimulus is enough to get us to consume it. Music with a lot of bass is another example. People with a more developed taste usually strongly dislike these products. Falling for superstimuli can be seen as a kind of handicap.

If you find children sexually attractive, that's because sexual attraction evolved first, and social instincts were built on top. Evolution often stumbles upon solutions that reuse existing mechanics. Most adults can distinguish children from adults.

tl;dr cuteness is a psyop children engage in because they carry only 50% of our genes
>Don't know what "shotas" are
Try to tell the class you are using a language model, without telling them you are using a language model
I didn't type all that just to be accused of using AI. I actually boycot AI because AI technology will lead to human extinction.
It's a moral issue, like CSAM. It's not that not consuming it saves children, it's just something I don't want to participate in.

Nice dubs though.
I asked chatgpt why shotas are cute and it returned an error and closed my session.
Bots are evil and want the shotas for themselves.
>using AI
Remember what you did when you're being consumed by nano bots in a few years.

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