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I like chamsaw man, do you like chamsawman too?
dingy-kun is such a silly guy
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now that’s what I call edgy!
No, I thought the premise was a little dumb, and the anime was so lazily animated and overrated that it made me never want to watch it
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worst manga-anime that ever existed

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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He isn't being silly, he may have been getting a handjob while his friend he was supposed to protect was getting murder and having her head cut off but its an honest mistake.

But thats what makes it so cute.
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you can say a lot of things about the anime except that it's lazily animated. have you seen madoka's early tv release?

Your fortune: Average Luck
they used very noticeable cgi everywhere in the clips I've seen
looks so bad, a disgrace to the anime industry
this, so much this.

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