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this is how keksandra scratches her futa balls, what's your ball scratching technique?
do u have more
I hate when I need to reach in and rearrange my balls in public and I gotta wait to see if any women are kids are walking by. I don't care if a man sees

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
damn futasandra gets off to smelling her own feet lole
Is there a version of this post ejaculation :3
Every post above mine (including op) was typed up by a tranny
dubs of falsehood
Keksandra wears her stretchy spats so that her huge cock can be hard and the fabric stretches with it. What a smart futa!
there isn't more, this was just a test to see if i could still draw adult anime women because i still have a bunch of drawings i promised to make but never got around to do, i'm not very happy with how it turned out tbh
how does she do it ?
b-but it looks good thoooooo :(
futasandra is very flexible so she can do all the kama sutra positions
so los elegante
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Keksandra gets off to being punched in her futa balls!
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thank u
i think i used to be better though, but i have done nothing but draw my wife (bant-tan) for months and months, i think i forgot how to draw adult women
also for the record i dont like it when esfores draws my wife as if she was keksandra's gf :(
it’s okay fren, keksandra’s gf is /jp/
speaking of, where did [s4s] and /jp/'s relationship come from?
We have lost that knowledge in the annuals of history.

Your fortune: Good Luck
[s4s] used to belong to [a/jp] but /a/ doesn’t care so I guess we belong to [jp]
/jp/ and [s4s] are funposting boards and we both like 2hu memes
but most importantly of all /jp/ just needs a nice fren because she’s grumpy all the time from when /v/ hurt her badly :( she turned into a locked girl (get it) never leaving her room and wouldn’t play with anyone. but now she has nice fren.
this is so much knowledge...
what did /v/ do to /jp/?
it was a terrible day many years ago after /v/ and /jp/ went to the movies and then /v/ did something nasty that scarred her ;_;
and /vr/ was there too but he was getting dickfisted by l’mario
why would /v/ do such a thing?!
/v/ is ebil
I wish futa Keksandra humped me passionately
she only humps aggressively
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what a lovely comic :’)
aggression and passion are no different to me :^)
dubs of CBT
when she gets punched in her tender eggs it hurts at first but a few seconds later her cock gets hard and the pain feels really good
i hope this gets finished :)
Keksandra's cute futa cock!!!
does /jp/ (the board) feel the same? do they post cute keksandra + jp on their board too?
/jp/ is too engrossed in le silly hat 2hus and that’s ok
alright i decided to officially join esfores but there seem to be 2 factions here: the ebils and the nicers, which one should i join?
please provide a reason too
at least there's no hate
join nice
nice has nice posts, nice bearies and nice footies
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ebils gotta offer up something or the nicers will have a new ally
futa cock
does that mean /bant/-tan will visit
i heard last time she was jealous of keksandra’s booba
unfortunately for the ebils i have little interest in that, it seems like i will be a nicer after all
omg quadruple dubs!!!!!
as for your question yes, we are always together so she will visit with me
>jealous of keksandra’s booba
yeah, she told me about that but i reassured her and it should be ok now
hoorayyyy the /bant/-tan husband has dodged ebil
pretty eyes~
especially the one eye down below
she stared at you with horny intent
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importan futasandra fact: she gets backed up daily and needs to release a few loads to keep her balls from swelling up. she did no nut november last year and her balls swelled to the size of tennis balls. all her spats had this huge bulge in the front when she wore them and so the spats squeezed her balls and it only made the problem worse because squeezing her balls gets her aroused. then it took three days of milking herself to fix the swelling
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have I arrived @milkies as cowpers fluid keeps coming white as milk without stopping ...I told you I am a teenager

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