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why is everyone on the internet so racist to indians? it's on every site. i have a lot of indian coworkers (i work at a tech company) and it's very sad to think they might see it. i'm jewish and it seems like 4channers hate indians even more than they hate jews
that bitch blocked me on twatter!!! ='[
no i got scammed out of 10k+ USD and thats half what i make in a year
fucking pajeets
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We hate both jews and poojeets equally
you should die
we're all going to die! suteki da ne
probably very justified because you're probably an incel stalker who was harassing or disturbing her in some way
she got a luigi tatoo and i said she had problems lole
you sound like the one with problems. every anime looking girl should have a luigi tattoo just like every bi [s4s] femboy has a yosho tattoo
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the only group i actually hate are the gypsies and it's entirely their fault

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
uh huh. and so what? do you guys win a prize or something. lay off me broski
Why are you Jewish lol

Why are you Greek lol
im racist and its because brown ppl r bad
>the only group i actually hate are the gypsies and it's entirely their fault
that's just due to their culture though, it's not inherent to them. if one of them immigrated alone they'd be fine
was born to ethnically jewish parents. raised atheist and still atheist though
I’m not racist at all the only group I hate the goddamn dirty jews
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don't know either all i wanted was to be a cute anine

Your fortune: Outlook good
i'm not racist but i nonironically despise fragile wh*tes
inject estrogen and testosterone on alternating days and you will become either an anine or a low budget american youtube animation side character
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aren't all people acting based on their culture? i don't think i would be the same person if i was raised in a village somewhere in Africa

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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dubs i have a feeling I'll end up looking like the latter

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Indiana have yet to become a protected group. just because they are brown and got colonized doesn't mean they get to claim victim status. also most people have had some contact with indians. they are okay. not as bad as niggers. they do smell funny tho. it's mainly because racism is a natural response and kids are only ever learning about niggers and amerindians in school so they are not oversensitive for hate crimes against poos. they are the one caste besides white males which is still moderately okay to mock
gypsies are based because they shoplift and the bourgeoisie are fags
lots of people claim people's brains are genetically different and differ not only in intelligence but they'll say blacks are genetically programmed to be violent and jews are genetically programmed to hate whites and gypsies are genetically programmed to steal. they use these specious pseudoscientific speculations to advocate for mass murder and genocide
the only group i'm racist towards is communists
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I'm british and love indian food and find indian people to be polite and respectful (moreso than pakistanis who are more likely to look at me funny for being a queer).
crime is based, qq richkid.
i'm a liberal and while i hate the right-wing paranoia of crime i also hate the left-wing glamorization of crime. radical leftists will use all sorts of twisted logic to rationalize self-serving behavior and make it feel like a virtuous act
i thnk alot of teh behavior is not even self serving its just random and people just dont want to suffer more by being punished for something they did that they did not understand why they even did it, its like damn are we in hell or something
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it's the old nature vs nurture debate but with a racist tone. all people have some predispositions regardless of race. whether they are expressed or not depends on the environment though.
>self serving behavior
you mean like running a for-profit company?
You are not payed for the value of your labour. A class of owners own the factories and own you. They exploit you to enrich themselves.
The reason this is viewed as normal civil society while "crime" is viewed as abhorrent is because morality and "crime" is defined by the ruling class. "The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual, crime." -Max Stirner.
The world is ruled by the self serving.
well said. the rich could not subsist without crime
marxism is retarded and debunked. owners of the means of production make money based on their inputs and typically much more strenuous labor than anyone working for them. zuckerberg works much harder than most of his employees
its not a contest how hard you can work... have you heard of the term utility? ok do you know that they could correlate it with money, but they dont? its on purpose, because they're evil. but the decent folk are too decent to kill them. rulers win. until everybody dies, eventually. so everyone loses. unless you believe in god, then you win. unless god says otherwise. but maybe if you have a really good excuse...
suteki da yo!
Hahahaha Get scammed idiot

I’m a white person, give me all your money I won’t scam you because I’m white
That argument would only work if most people came close to they potential but nobody does so it doenst work
what why would you laugh at that im disabled
You should read the stories about how they rape women.
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>zuckerberg works hard
crack isn't good for you
also even if it were true it literally wouldn't matter. My problem with capitalism isn't "it's not a meritocracy" it's not, but I really don't care about that.
i don't get it either tbh, insecurity because indians are taking their jobs maybe? jeets are cool though
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Why would I not laugh at a retard?
You mean like men from literally every single country in the world?
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Me and this anon had the sex
this but unironically
because they are on internet.

when you connect to internet you get %20 racism buff. Its just rule
just give up bro
if marxists understood the concept of subjective value they wouldn't be lefties in the first place
if you steal Im gonna kill you and rape your dead body without it being gay because u dead and dead cant be gay
its a skill issue on your side
git gud u looser
I love asuka, but in a hateful way.
Id need a strict mommy that isnt just an evil bitch
Modern society was a mistake
whats it like being a retarded nigger?

not a single serious scientist believes IQ variance between races is 100% environment
only white people care about reality being racist

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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>bacon egg an cheese

Your fortune: Bad Luck
read my full post. "they believe it differs genetically in not only intelligence BUT [list of things]"
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Racism is hilarious, farts and poop is also a comedy trope, being an obnoxious horn dog another trope. Indians have just set themselves up/have been set up to be the butt of a lot of internet jokes really.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
not really. most of the racism towards them is sincere or at least partly sincere

years ago people made jokes about the UN having to tell them to not shit in streets or whatever. now half of social media will take an average indian born in america and call him a poojeet street shitter and any woman who dates him is a race traitor scat fetishist. people are fucked
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did you come yet?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I ain't coming for you haggster

Your fortune: Good Luck

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