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this board should become
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become what
become mini to fit in my pocket and ready to blow the corn

Your fortune: Average Luck
Two same numbers!
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i wish i could become...
this image reminded me of the crazy wacky roblox game infinite welfare thanks yuo for sharing

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
dont mind me, just bumping your thread because it reminded me of roblox's Infinite Welfare.
infinite welfare
infinite welfare baby
it's a shame nobody plays it now.
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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
I know 1ab.jpg that's not suppose to happen but I just wish they would make all the posts for you and just forget about it ...who cares it's just too many foes I understand it all
Infinite welfare

Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: Godly Luck
the public already feel sorrow for putting so much pointless efforts to avoid the same death fate he was doomed and yet still is but there whining ways to denouncing him as the guilty part leaves them on a dead end road ,they are one and the same but society fails to understand that and keep playing a dangerous song on G because it's the way they have learnt to skip problems and responsibilities ...his responsible character means nothing caz the intertwine nature of relationships make them set an unsettling feeling on every situation they don't won't to be responsible for the passing mercedes which negatively owns and dumps ,scandalous people are a constant on the forgotten pre conscious level that they are still trying to find something to do with time ,everyday they sit in front of tv to waste some time but there are limits real limits when the end game plays it's more of a relief than a call for immediate action ,that's the price to stand and support themselves on total suckers there is no safe grounds for this madness ,if you build one action on top of another you have to be solid and not play the fool out of everyone but there's one key missing if everything is so finely set your mind and will should be sky rocket with delight and victory but somehow you know something is missing there are no guarantees on this damned soils ...everything has its own time for being and you will be surprised
I love you
thread is infinite
infinite welfare was a very fun and chaotic 3rd person fighting game on roblox. it's many bizarre items lead to a very unique and dynamic gameplay style unlike no other on the platform. these servers used to be filled with so much people, you really had to be there during that wave of popularity to truly appreciate the game in it's glory.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
really love infinite welfare, wish it got popular again. hypothetically if i had the money and time i could create my own game that automatically teleports you into infinite welfare and market that using roblox's promotion feature it would get some players again. but that would take a lot of consistency and lots of money, which im not willing to do.
music to my ears
i love infinite welfare so much ill never forget it
The name ‘infinite welfare’ is a humorous derivative of call of duty’s ‘infintite warfare’ title, which was popular around the same time the game came out. The more you know!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Don’t mind me, just bumping your thread because it reminded me of roblox’s Infinite Welfare!
these are for the 25th of April revolution

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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