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recycled thread
waffen about it
They mostly are. There's nothing novel about bored teenagers feigning mental illness for attention. Tumblr ran that ship aground some 10 years ago.
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smyle nao crye l8r
yeh this board got old quick xd
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I hate this stupid fucking website and all its users
Picrel me an active shooter murking u all
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why are all tacticool fags such queers i mean god damn
no my friend black multicam sucks ass and nobody uses it except larpers
Because it's an aesthetic first and when you live somewhere where the closest you'll get to actual gun is a video game it's really the only part you can care about.
hehe the clothes make the man but I grew out of flexing daddy’s guns
but the catch 22 is I don’t think they’ll ever let me have one to call my own
when it’s all a larp it’s not a larp
(idk what I’m talking about)
but they do use mcb it’s just rare
Stupid fucking nigger posting aislop and crying shitting and pissing urself on ig u didn’t deserve ur account anyways and I gave u a fucking pity follow bc im so empathetic
Kys u fucking nigger it wouldn’t make a difference anyway LOLE
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the govt' says i can't legally buy guns cuz i'm 2 crazZy
I just like looking at them. The only guns I have a personal intrest in are antiques like the murata type 22.
Fuck yo game and yo couch nigga who tf u think u rly playing with
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also screenshooting this, because when summer is over we are gonna have a little talk bout this lol
>couch nigga
stop underestimating me, im quite a wild goose.
also calm down it was a ruse for the sake of it
U the one hiding behind all that fake shit nigga ruse or not u started it u got me fucked up if u think I’m in the wrong here and if u knew a smidgen about me you’d know it was all over a looooong time ago
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dude....... dont get me all gay about this....
i like you, i paused the insta account for personal stuff.... but i'll be back liking and commenting on your posts like a dumb asshole soon. i just wanted to vent and interact with someone i could do that with..... your art is always awesome, you are actually a nice guy that got a bit sterred away but you'll be fine... its funny to put up a troll show sometimes. i mean if you really upset its something you should work out, because I LIKE YOU!!!!!!! stop being an asshole for a moment and think what is better for you, it was just a ruse.
(jesus i want a cigarette just let me go)
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okay first off… you’re a GUY bro, we’re some DUDES and this is not how MEN act, there’s no hot and cold, good cop bad cop aspect to MALE relationships. We’re supposed to be SOLID and not flip flop from point to point like some indecisive little GIRLS. You wanna act nice okay COOL broe I’ll return that, if you wanna be a DICK ok cool even better that’s what i excel at. I don’t think many know this but i am ALWAYS upset and when you’re always UPSET you’re NEVER upset and HATRED works the same way, you hate NOTHING if you hate EVERYTHING.
Lucky you getting to have a SMOKE.
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Damn i was drunk as shit yesterday.... hopefully i didnt messed up here lol
...... fucking sambuca
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sweet oakleys and I’m sure u guys have better liquor over there
How i miss smoking
>u started it
Nopes it was actually you.....
I was just posting my battlestation and you started shitting on me cause my action figures
Good morning :3
Quite old oakleys tbh i have to buy some new
nah if im not allowed to have fun nobody else is duh
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special [esforce]s
unchecked doubles on the last page!
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going out to lunch today… again!
luckymiii xd
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hmm I want a button up shirt but with sweat wicking material so I can look fancy when I hike xd
unchecked doubles on the last page!
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finding the right references are harder than u think lole
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the savior
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Fuck u all

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fuck the in crowd

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