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You wouldn't stand a chance

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I like those odds
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What the fuck are you negroes talking about?
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if mr truckman decides it, it's all over

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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The technique, of course allowing not only the generation of secondary resiviours and the flow of the "old nile" but also, if production of the tidal energy generating stations, and electroylsis facilities, continues linearly; it would also over a period of decades allow for a "re greening" of ever increasing parts of both Egypt and the Sahara; with the old lake beds being sites where waters can be redirected. Eventually, the entirety of the desert will be reclaimed; and more than that, MUST BE, reclaimed..... as human population continues to rise, long term projects must be initiated to take into account the growth rate of the humanity as a whole on the Earth, with human population during the 21st and 22nd centuries rising first to tens of Billions, then to a hundred billions, then quite likely, to hundreds of billions.

It is only by increasing the amount of arable land, quite literally, on a continental scale, that humanity can possibly hope to meet these calorical requirements.

Ideally; this technique would be utilized on both the Sahara, the desert of Angoloa, and the Australian outback allowing humanity to have, quite literally, prevent massive famine on a global scale by bringing continents of arable land into production; however these are projects that will take over a decade to complete, but are also projects that can be completed with capital investitures made over periods of decades.... however more rapid completion of the replenishment of the old lake systems is desirable, as this will increase both the ambient humidity of the area, increasing yearly rainfall and allow the "naturification" of regions of the desert to generate natural topsoil over a period of decades; meaning that the soil required for agriculture will be available when it is needed.
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Construction of multiple "desalinization" facilities (electrolysis being far better than evaporation or pressure based) on the Red Sea coast; and channeling all water produced by these facilities into an artificial lake created explicitly for this purpose, before either directly pumping the water to the required location; or creating a river running west from the red sea to the nile; though moving all the water the the west central portion of egypt, and letting it run north to the Med. Sea, creating a starting lake/inland sea, from which the waters drain, behind a dam, would be the ideal solution, creating another gravity recapture location from all the waters pumped to the location.....

Even at the price of a few hundred million to a billion dollars each, the construction of enough facilities would allow for a level of water production that matches the flow of the nile, at a given point, in cubic feet per second; the ONLY way to produce enough water for a second river, using the alternative, earlier, Nile course, that does not depend on a constant Nile outflow, instead of the decreasing Nile outflow that is actually occuring.

Electricity, of course, and it's cost per unit, is of course, one of the fundamental determinants of the cost per gallon, of generating water via electroysis, with secondary burning of hydrogen capture generating both the fresh water, and allowing secondary power generation, energy recapture, after the intital lysis of the oceanic water molecules. Since this is a long term project, the easiest, "cleanest", long term method of generating the required energy is utilizing tidal electrical generation, by literally creating huge inflow/outflow generating stations along the Red Sea cost, by simply contstructing ideally shaped bays/inlets which generate electricty using tidal forces, with "peak hours" being irrelevant since all energy generated is utilized for the purpose of electrolysis of ocean water.

I say Nile outflow is decreasing, because Egypt's Southern neighbors are also utilizing more of the water outflow every year, and will continue to do so, as their population levels continue to increase, draining more and more of the Nile's waters every year to meet their agricultural needs in the semiarid and arid conditions found in Ethopia and Sudan. Thus, the "greening" that they're attempting is, inevitably, a doomed venture, as population levels continue to rise, inevitably a point will be reached where the quantity of water used by Egypt from the Lake Nasser holding area, will exceed the amount replishing it from the Nile inflow; from which the amount of water being depleted from Lake Nasser, per year, will only accelerate.

Thus, in terms of both maintaining the flow of the Nile in the later parts of the 21st century into the 22nd century, and restarting the "old nile" along it's old course, clearly visible on the topographic map; allowing a near doubling of the amount of living areas "along side the Nile", in addition to doubling the agricultral area, in the easiest path possible for the waters to take; this is the ONLY method via which both of these water courses are sustainable in the context of the increasing demands being placed upon the flows of the Nile by increasing population.

Furthermore, given that this methodology is linearly scalable; and that the production of both the energy generation techniques and desalinization facilities can be done utilizing the principles of mass production of identical parts, the overall cost efficiency of the project will increase with the number facilities being produced.

Ultimately, however, the fact remains that the inflow of the Nile is limited, and that only this techique, or some variation of it, will allow for the generation of the "Old Nile" with a water outflow identical to the Nile's current course, while maintaining the Nile's current flow ......
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nice text i memorized the whole thing

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Legend has it that Taco Kid yelled at Trump from the stands "watch out" then Trump turned his head, and just like that, he dodged the bullet.
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Thus; there are a number of energy recapture steps. First, in the initial lysis of the water molecule, generating hyrodgen and oxygen. While this, obviously, requires the input of energy, the fact remains that an operation of this scale will generate massive quantites of hydgrogen; hydrogen generated entirely for one purpose, to burn to generate water.
Ironically enough, given that the technology already exists for moving massive amounts of natural gas, it may, in fact be far easier, far quicker, and far more cost effective, to pressurize the huge quantites of hyrdogen being generated and move it, in gas form, from the coastlines to the inland zones, near dry lake beds, where it is burned there, to generate fresh water, fresh water which will then be generated at a constant rate, replenishing the reservoirs, and allowing the the further construction of dams, which will allow for the secondary "recapture" by hydroelectric dams. Both forms of electricity, then being delivered back to the oceanic sites to allow for the further hydrolysis, allowing for the entire process to be energy efficient, as the rate limiting step of generation of water via tidal generation is further supplemented, allowing for greater efficiency per unit of energy harnessed and utilized via this methodology; though it is possible that the tidal electric generation could be so efficient and so cheap that it renders the secondary recapture plants unnecessary, though this is unlikely; it is a metric that should be investigated given the quantity of water being generated in this endevour.
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that would be so typical of taco kid, ive heard he killed the sniper too

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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>It is even said; that somewhere in the scrolls of a temple, lost to time and covered in desert sands; that there speaks to a legend of the the deserts replenishing, turning green and blooming by the light of the moon.......

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time to memorize again

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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(Hydroelectric being entirely "Lunar Powered" in sharp contrast to "Solar Powered", which is all the rage these days).....
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Excuse me; I meant that Tidalelectric is entirely "Lunar Powered", though I should note that so would every step following would be as well, including the conventional dam based hydroelectric; though the tidal system is also technically a form of hydroelectic as well.
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Yea I did it with a blindfold on
galvanized steel bars
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The white mains freight hauling system
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